Sunday, August 8, 2021

A witness who survived the killings on the Kyrenia mountains shares what he knows… (Article in English, Turkish and Greek)...


A witness who survived the killings on the Kyrenia mountains shares what he knows…

Sevgul Uludag

Tel: 99 966518

A witness who survived the killing of all the soldiers in his team writes to me, giving the name of his cousin… His cousin's father was "missing" from the Kyrenia area and with the help of a Turkish Cypriot friend whose father is also "missing" from 1974, we had managed to find the burial site and showed it to the Cyprus Missing Persons' Committee and after exhumations there, they had reached the remains and these remains were returned to his family for burial. I had also attended the funeral of this "missing" Greek Cypriot to lay some flowers on his coffin since this was also a "closure" for me, when I was running around, trying to see what had happened to him…
So this witness who survived the killings in the area of Kyrenia is apparently a cousin of the son of that "missing" we had helped whose remains were found…
But whether I know someone from his family or not, regardless of that, I would try to help him…
He sends me two notes that I would like to share with you… He says:
"Dear Sevgul,
You do not know me but I am a first cousin of ….. My name is …... I was involved in one battle in 1974 near Bellapais. We were a team of some 25 soldiers where the only survived was myself who being the first injured I managed to pull back and pretending to be dead and I saw all the others being killed. I want to share this with someone who can trace the whereabouts of these people and I was told that you are a dedicated person for these things…
On the 20.7.1974, I was serving at the base of the … section of the army which was stationed near Bellapais. The following morning I was asked together with another 20 or 25 soldiers to go to the top of a mountain north of this army barracks where there were dug outs to act like an advance guard as at the time the deployment of Turkish army troops was developing and marching towards Kyrenia. Below this small mountain top, at its bottom, we could see 2 small white outbuildings. When we arrived there and during this day and the next day, we could see the Turkish tanks driving along the road from Kyrenia to Kionelli which it was to the west of where we were.
On the 22.7.1974, the day of the agreed ceasefire, we were ordered to leave our post and make our own way towards Bellapais and to the mountain. As I happened to be someone of knowledge of the area, I guided the rest of the group to the east where we were. I knew that there was a road there which was leading to Bellapais.
In order to reach to that road, we had to go down the bank of a small gorge and then up again at which time we saw the road which I believed was leading to Bellapais.
As soon as we walked a few meters away from that gorge top we saw a group of soldiers sitting underneath a carob tree resting and smoking. We saw a few soldiers taking fighting position and we realised they were Turks. I called everyone to take cover and as I was doing so, and my leg was in the air, a bullet hit my leg below the knee.
Apart from my personal weapons we also had a Bren gun. At the time I was holding the bullet box whereas the Bren was a few meters away from me. When I realised that we were ambushed I threw the box to the guy having the Bren and I asked him to cover us to escape.
I realised that being injured, I was not useful there so I started crawling backwards towards the gorge…
While fighting was fierce, I managed to crawl down the east bank of the gorge and started crawling the west bank and when I was halfway up I saw 5 soldiers running down the gorge followed by Turkish soldiers at the top calling them in Greek to surrender…
I remained stationary on the bank of the gorge pretending to be dead while watching what was happening…
The soldiers surrendered by throwing their weapons, they were asked to come back towards the Turkish soldiers and as they were close to them, they opened fire to them and killed them all off.
So some 20 soldiers were killed near the road side and some 5 of them were killed and left there at the bottom of that gorge.
I remained motionless there until all soldiers had disappeared from the top of the gorge and by crawling upwards, I reached the top of the gorge.
Standing on one leg I scanned the area and I saw that to my east south there were 2 houses, near the main road again. It was around 10.30am.
I planned my direct route to these houses and as I was very exhausted when I reached the bottom of the gorge was already 6 p.m. I decided to sleep there to gain effort and in the morning, I continued my journey, always crawling until I reached the top of the gorge again, closer to these houses. As I was approaching the house, a car with GB label on it was driving into the driveway of the houses. I called them in English and two middle aged men came towards me who brought me water. They offered to take me to the Kyrenia hospital, I asked them not to, as I gathered that the hospital was run by the Turkish army, they didn't listen, perhaps because they didn't want to be seen as assisting Greek Cypriot soldiers; when we arrived there, we were turned away and they took me to the Dome Hotel. From there I was taken to Nicosia Hospital by UN.
I have tried a few times to identify the position we were in order to report the killing of these men, but I was never able to do so. Neither could find the 2 houses that belonged to the English nationals.
Perhaps the area became part of a wider army quarters and there is no access to the general public. This is why when I hear about you I thought to tell you this so that you may be able to throw more light on this case. My goal is to be able to see if these dead people were collected at some point and where they were buried.
When the pandemic is permitting movements, I would like to meet with you and see if we can identify this area together and then perhaps people will tell us whether these people were found and where they were buried, so that their families find their remains.
I hope, you will be able to assist.
Kind regards and many thanks…"
I speak with him and I also speak with the officials of the Cyprus Missing Persons' Committee and in the end they call him and arrange to meet. So he meets with the investigators at the office of the Greek Cypriot Member of the CMP – I thank Mr. Leonidas Pantelides, the Greek Cypriot Member of the CMP, who helped in this and called him personally to invite him… They will arrange a visit of the area together, in order to locate the actual places he is talking about…
On the other hand, I remember that we had worked on the two houses that belonged to some English persons back in 1974 and I write to a friend in London whose father was working there as a gardener. He tells me about these two houses… I also call the grandson of the Turkish Cypriot gardener who passed away and the grandson in Nicosia asks his father and his father knows where these two houses are… If they are the same houses, then we would be helping to locate the area where some of those "missing" Greek Cypriots might have been buried…
I will try to arrange a visit to these two houses with the son of the gardener who is based in Nicosia and we will show this to the officials of the CMP before the actual visit of the area, so that they would know beforehand where these two houses are, provided the witness is talking about the same houses…
I also go to visit two burial sites where the digging teams of the CMP found remains… One of them is in the Kyrenia Boghazi, on the mountains where previously, with the help of one of our good Turkish Cypriot readers, the remains of five "missing" Greek Cypriots were found in a gamini… The area they were digging is near the gamini and they have found the remains of three "missing" persons, scattered around the area… Apparently this had been the stream bed and going downhill, the remains were caught among the roots of the trees… I am not sure if they were in the same group of the five "missing" whose remains were found in the gamini or not – only DNA analysis will show us who they were, for certain…
The other place I visit is outside Geunyeli, on the old road from Geunyeli to Kyrenia… This had been the old road of Kyrenia and before the new road to Kyrenia was built after 1974, this had been the road we had been using… On the left side of the road, the remains of one "missing" person has been found by the excavation team of the Cyprus Missing Persons' Committee…
When I visited the site, they were all wearing white overalls since this had been a sort of a garbage dump and there was asbestos among the rubbish…
Not far from here is the "Plumer Forest" where I remember motocrosses were organised years ago… Young motocross racers would jump up the hills and down and race against each other… No, it was not a "forest" in the full sense of the word but an area where there were a bunch of trees…
And again, the same similarity with the other burial site at the Kyrenia Boghazi: A stream bed… Was this person trying to get away from the war by following the stream bed to get to Nicosia from Kyrenia? Or was he from another village from the area?
Again, we would have to wait and see the results of the DNA analysis in order to be certain who he was…
I feel happy and sad at the same time… I feel happy that people are coming to me and speaking to me and we are able to arrange for them to meet with the officials of the CMP for further investigations… But an incredible sadness always accompanies me, like a background – I cannot imagine what sort of hell this witness went through in 1974 and worse, afterwards all those years, thinking back of what had happened, how it happened, reliving the memories over and over again… No one treated those wounds of our souls and we carry them like a second skin… That is why we must ensure that no such conflict ever happens again on this land… And do everything possible to prevent it…
I thank from my heart this witness who wrote to me – I know it took a lot of courage and thinking to do that but I am eternally grateful to him for taking that step… I also thank the officials of the CMP for meeting with him and making sure to start investigating what he has told us…



1. The five Greek Cypriot missing persons whose remains were found in the gamini at the Kyrenia Boghazi...

2. With the excavation team of CMP at the Kyrenia Boghazi…

(*) Article published in the POLITIS newspaper on the 8th of August 2021, Sunday. The article was published in YENİDÜZEN newspaper on the 22nd of June 2021 and here is the link:

YENİDÜZEN – Kıbrıs: Anlatılmamış Öyküler… Sevgül Uludağ – 22 Haziran 2021…

"25 kişilik asker grubunda bir tek ben hayatta kaldım... Arkadaşlarımın akıbetini öğrenmek için bana yardım ediniz..."

Bir Kıbrıslırum şahit, bize yazarak yardım talebinde bulundu ve şöyle dedi:
"Sevgili Sevgül,
Sen beni tanımazsın ama ben ....'nın yeğeniyim... Adım ....'tır."(Sözkonusu Kıbrıslırum şahidin sözünü ettiği yeğeninin babası "kayıp" idi ve biz de onun gömü yerinin bulunmasına yardımcı olmuştuk... S.U.)

Sözkonusu Kıbrıslırum şahit, başından önemli bir şey geçtiğini, 25 kişilik bir asker grubunda kendisi hariç herkesin öldürülmüş olduğunu gördüğünü belirterek yaşadıklarını bize şöyle anlattı:"1974'te Balabayıs yakınlarında bir çarpışmada idim...25 kişilik bir asker grubuyduk ve ilk yaralanan bendim ve geri çekilip ölü taklidi yapmıştım ve tüm diğerlerinin öldürüldüğünü görmüştüm, hayatta bir tek ben kalmıştım bu gruptan.O nedenle bu insanların başına ne geldiğinin izini sürebilecek birisiyle bu hikayemi paylaşmak istedim ve bana senin kendini bu konulara adamış olan bir şahıs olduğu söylendi... O nedenle sana yazıyorum...

20 Temmuz 1974'te ben Balabayıs yakınlarına konuşlanmış olan …. numaralı birliğe bağlı olarak görev yapmaktaydım. Ertesi sabah benden, 20-25 kadar askerle birlikte ordu barakalarının bulunduğu yerin kuzeyindeki dağın tepesine gitmemiz istenmişti – maksat bir tür öncü birlik oluşturarak Girne'ye doğru ilerlemekte olan Türk ordusu askerlerinin durumunu izlemekti.Dağın tepesindeki bu küçük yerdeki noktadan aşağıya doğru baktığımızda, burada iki küçük beyaz bina görebiliyorduk. Oraya vardığımızda ve o gün boyunca ve ertesi günü de, Türk tanklarının Girne'den Gönyeli'ye doğru yolda ilerlediğini görebiliyorduk ki onlar bizim batımızda kalıyordu.

İki tarafın ateşkes hakkında anlaşmış olduğu 22 Temmuz 1974 günü, olduğumuz yeri terketmemiz ve Balabayıs'a doğru dağa dönmemiz emredilmişti. Ben bu bölge hakkında biraz bilgi sahibi olduğum için, grubumuzu olduğumuz yerin doğusuna doğru götürmeye, onlara rehberlik etmeye başlamıştım. Buralarda bir yerde Balabayıs'a giden bir yol olduğunu biliyordum...

Ancak o yola varabilmek için önce küçük bir vadinin (boğazın) altlarına doğru inmemiz ve sonra da yukarıya tırmanmamız gerekirdi ki o zaman Balabayıs'a giden yolu görebilecektik...O vadiden birkaç metre uzaklaştığımız anda, bir harnıp ağacının altında bir grup askerin oturup dinlenmekte olduğunu ve sigara içmekte olduğunu gördük... Birkaç askerin de saldırı pozisyonu aldığını görünce, bunların Türk askerleri olduğunu anladık. Ben herkese seslenerek saklanmalarını söyledim, ben de öyle yapıyordum, bacağım havadayken bir kurşunla diz altımdan vuruldum.

Kendi silahlarımızdan maada bir de Bren'imiz vardı. O anda ben Bren silahının kurşunlarının bulunduğu kutuyu taşıyordum, Bren silahı ise benden birkaç metre ilerideydi. Tuzağa düşmüş olduğumuzu anlayınca, hemen elimdeki kurşun kutusunu Bren'i taşıyan adama doğru savurttum ve biz kaçmaya çalışırken bizi korumasını istedim.Yaralı olduğum için orada bir yararım olmayacağını anlamıştım, böylece vadiye doğru geri geri emeklemeye başlamıştım…Vadinin doğu tarafından aşağıya doğru emeklemeyi başarmıştım, sonra da batı tarafına doğru emekliyordum ki 5 tane Kıbrıslırum askerin koşarak kaçtıklarını, onları da yukarıdan Türk askerlerinin takip ettiğini ve teslim olmaları için Rumca bağırdıklarını görüp duydum…

Olduğum yerde donup kaldım, ölü taklidi yapıyordum ancak olup biteni de izliyordum...Askerler silahlarını atıp teslim oldular, Türk askerlerine doğru yürümeleri söylendi kendilerine ancak yaklaştıkları zaman ateş açıp hepsini de öldürdüler.Yolun kenarında 20 kadar asker öldürülmüştü ve 5 tanesi de öldürüldükleri yerde yani o boğazın/vadinin dibinde kalmışlardı...

Hiç hareket etmeden olduğum yerde kaldım, ta ki tüm Türk askerleri vadinin yukarısından ayrılsınlar ve sonra da sürünerek bu boğazın tepesine doğru çıktım.Tek ayak üzerinde durarak bölgeyi inceledim ve güneydoğuya doğru iki evin olduğunu gördüm, bunlar anayolun yakınındaydı. Saat 10.30 gibiydi...

Böylece bu evlere doğru gitmeyi planladım ancak vadinin dibine indiğimde tükenmiş vaziyetteydim ve saat da 6 olmuştu. Orada uyumayı, gücümü toplamayı ve sabahleyin yoluma devam etmeyi kararlaştırdım... Böylece yine yukarıya doğru, eve yakın bir yere doğru emekleyerek tırmandım. Tam yaklaşıyorken bir araç gördü, İngiltere plakası vardı araçta ve bu evlerden birine gidiyordu. Onlara İngilizce olarak seslendim, iki tane orta yaşın üstünde adam bana doğru gelip bana su getirdiler. Beni Girne hastanesine götürmeyi teklif ettiler, onlardan beni oraya götürmemelerini istedim çünkü hastanede artık Türk askerleri vardı ama beni dinlemediler çünkü Rum askerlerine yardım eder gibi görünmek istemiyorlardı – hastaneye gittiğimizde beni almayı reddettiler ve böylece bu iki İngiliz beni Dome Otel'e götürdüler. Oradan da Birleşmiş Milletler tarafından Lefkoşa Hastanesi'ne götürüldüm...

Bu insanların öldürülmesini rapor etmek maksadıyla birkaç kez bu yeri bulmaya çalıştım ama başaramadım. Sözkonusu İngilizler'e ait o iki evi bulmayı da başaramadım.Belki bu bölge daha geniş askeri bölgeye mi dönüştü ve kamuya açık bir yer değil midir artık?İşte o nedenle seninle ilgili birşeyler duyduğumda, bu konuyu senin dikkatine getirmeyi düşündüm, böylece bu konuyu aydınlığa kavuşturabilirsin belki diye... Benim maksadım, bu insanlar bir noktada toplanmışlar mıydı ve nereye gömülmüşlerdi – maksadım bunu öğrenebilmektir, öğrenebilirsek eğer... Arkadaşlarımın akıbetini öğrenebilmek için lütfen bana yardım ediniz...Selamlar ve çok teşekkürler...(Adı yanımızda mahfuz)..."

Konuyla ilgili olarak Kayıplar Komitesi'nin Kıbrıslıtürk ve Kıbrıslırum yetkililerini bilgilendirdik ve kendilerinden yardım istirham ettik. Kayıplar Komitesi yetkililerinin sözkonusu Kıbrıslırum şahitle temasa geçmesi için gerekli bilgileri de sağladık... Bu konuda Kayıplar Komitesi yetkililerinin harekete geçmesini bekleyeceğiz...Bu arada, sözkonusu Kıbrıslırum şahidin sözünü ettiği iki İngiliz'e ait evlerle ilgili kendi araştırmamızı da sürdürüyoruz ve bu konuda topladığımız bilgileri de Kayıplar Komitesi yetkililerine aktaracağız.Umarız kısa süre içerisinde, bize yazıp yardım istemiş olan Kıbrıslırum şahit Kayıplar Komitesi yetkilileri eşliğinde kuzeye gelerek sözünü etmekte olduğu bölgeler hakkında yerinde bilgiler verebilir...

Konuyla ilgili olarak daha ayrıntılı bilgi sahibi olan okurlarımızı da isimli veya isimsiz olarak bizi 0542 853 8436 numaralı telefonumuzdan aramaya davet ediyoruz. Kayıplar Komitesi'yle temas etmek isteyen okurlarımız da 181 ihbar hattını arayabilirler...


1. Girne Boğazı'nda seneler önce bir okurumuzun yardımlarıyla bir gaminide bulunan beş "kayıp" Kıbrıslırum…
2. Girne Boğazı'nda gamini yakınında yeni bir kazı yapan ve üç "kayıp" şahıstan geride kalanları bulan Kayıplar Komitesi kazı ekibiyle birlikte geçtiğimiz Haziran ayında çektiğimiz bir fotoğraf…

(YENİDÜZEN – Kıbrıs: Anlatılmamış Öyküler… Sevgül Uludağ – 22.6.2021)

Ένας μάρτυρας που επέζησε των δολοφονιών στα βουνά της Κερύνειας μοιράζεται αυτά που ξέρει…

Sevgul Uludag

Τηλ: 99 966518

Ένας μάρτυρας που επέζησε τη δολοφονία όλων των στρατιωτών στην ομάδα του, μου γράφει, δίνοντας μου το όνομα του ξαδέλφου του… Ο πατέρας του ξαδέλφου του ήταν «αγνοούμενος» από την περιοχή της Κερύνειας και με τη βοήθεια ενός Τουρκοκύπριου φίλου, του οποίου ο πατέρας είναι επίσης «αγνοούμενος» από το 1974, καταφέραμε να βρούμε τον τόπο ταφής και να το δείξουμε στην Κυπριακή Διερευνητική Επιτροπή Αγνοουμένων και μετά από εκσκαφές εκεί, είχαν βρει τα οστά, και τα οστά αυτά επιστράφηκαν στην οικογένεια του για ταφή. Είχα παρευρεθεί επίσης στην κηδεία αυτού του «αγνοούμενου» Ελληνοκύπριου για να βάλω μερικά λουλούδια στο φέρετρο του, καθώς αυτό ήταν «κλείσιμο» και για μένα, όταν έτρεχα προσπαθώντας να βρω τι του είχε συμβεί…
Έτσι, αυτός ο μάρτυρας που επέζησε των δολοφονιών στην περιοχή της Κερύνειας είναι προφανώς ξάδελφος του γιου αυτού του «αγνοούμενου» που είχαμε βοηθήσει και που βρέθηκαν τα οστά του…
Αλλά είτε γνωρίζω κάποιον από την οικογένεια του είτε όχι, ανεξάρτητα από αυτό, θα προσπαθούσα να τον βοηθήσω…
Μου στέλνει δύο σημειώσεις που θα ήθελα να μοιραστώ μαζί σας… Λέει:
«Αγαπητή Sevgul,
Δεν με ξέρεις, αλλά είμαι ο πρώτος ξάδελφος του ….. Το όνομα μου είναι ….. Συμμετείχα σε μια μάχη το 1974 κοντά στο Bellapais. Ήμασταν μια ομάδα περίπου 25 στρατιωτών, και ο μόνος που επέζησε ήμουν εγώ, εφόσον ήμουν ο πρώτος που τραυματίστηκε και κατάφερα να πάω πίσω και να προσποιηθώ ότι ήμουν νεκρός και είδα όλους τους άλλους να δολοφονούνται. Θέλω να το μοιραστώ αυτό με κάποιον που μπορεί να εντοπίσει την τοποθεσία αυτών των ανθρώπων και μου είπαν ότι είστε ένας άνθρωπος αφοσιωμένος σε αυτά τα πράγματα…
Στις 20.7.1974, υπηρετούσα στη βάση του … τμήματος του στρατού που ήταν τοποθετημένη κοντά στο Bellapais. Το επόμενο πρωί μου ζήτησαν μαζί με άλλους 20 ή 25 στρατιώτες να πάω στην κορυφή ενός βουνού βόρεια αυτού του στρατοπέδου, όπου υπήρχαν προχώματα για να δρουν ως προκαταρκτική φρουρά, καθώς εκείνη τη στιγμή η ανάπτυξη τουρκικών στρατιωτικών στρατευμάτων ήταν σε εξέλιξη και προχωρούσε προς την Κερύνεια. Κάτω από αυτή τη μικρή βουνοκορφή, στο κάτω μέρος της, μπορούσαμε να δούμε 2 μικρά άσπρα βοηθητικά κτίρια. Όταν φτάσαμε εκεί και στη διάρκεια αυτής και της επόμενης μέρας, μπορούσαμε να δούμε τα τουρκικά τανκ να οδηγούν κατά μήκος του δρόμου από την Κερύνεια προς το Κιόνελι που ήταν στα δυτικά του σημείου που βρισκόμασταν.
Στις 22.7.1974, την μέρα της συμφωνηθείσας κατάπαυσης του πυρός, μας διέταξαν να αφήσουμε τη θέση μας και να προχωρήσουμε μόνοι μας προς το Bellapais και το βουνό. Καθώς ήμουν κάποιος με γνώση της περιοχής, καθοδήγησα την υπόλοιπη ομάδα προς τα ανατολικά από εκεί που ήμασταν. Ήξερα ότι υπήρχε ένας δρόμος εκεί, που οδηγούσε στο Bellapais.
Για να φτάσουμε σε εκείνο τον δρόμο, έπρεπε να κατεβούμε στην όχθη ενός μικρού φαραγγιού και στη συνέχεια να ανεβούμε και πάλι, οπότε είδαμε τον δρόμο που πίστευα ότι οδηγούσε στο Bellapais.
Μόλις περπατήσαμε λίγα μέτρα μακριά από την κορυφή του φαραγγιού, είδαμε μια ομάδα στρατιωτών να κάθονται κάτω από μια χαρουπιά, να ξεκουράζονται και να καπνίζουν. Είδαμε μερικούς στρατιώτες να παίρνουν θέση μάχης και συνειδητοποιήσαμε ότι ήταν Τούρκοι. Κάλεσα όλους να καλυφτούν και καθώς το έκανα, και το πόδι μου ήταν στον αέρα, μια σφαίρα έπληξε το πόδι μου κάτω από το γόνατο.
Εκτός από τα προσωπικά μου όπλα, είχαμε επίσης ένα όπλο Bren. Σε εκείνη τη φάση κρατούσα το κουτί με τις σφαίρες, ενώ το Bren ήταν λίγα μέτρα μακριά μου. Όταν συνειδητοποίησα ότι πέσαμε σε ενέδρα, έριξα το κουτί στον άντρα που είχε το Bren και του ζήτησα να μας καλύψει για να διαφύγουμε.
Συνειδητοποίησα ότι εφόσον τραυματίστηκα, δεν ήμουν χρήσιμος εκεί, έτσι άρχισα να σέρνομαι προς τα πίσω προς το φαράγγι…
Καθώς η μάχη ήταν έντονη, κατάφερα να συρθώ κάτω στην ανατολική όχθη του φαραγγιού και άρχισα να σέρνομαι στη δυτική όχθη και όταν ήμουν στα μισά του δρόμου, είδα 5 στρατιώτες να τρέχουν κάτω προς το φαράγγι, ακολουθούμενοι από Τούρκους στρατιώτες στην κορυφή και τους καλούσαν στα ελληνικά να παραδοθούν…
Έμεινα ακίνητος στην όχθη του φαραγγιού προσποιούμενος ότι ήμουν νεκρός παρακολουθώντας τι συνέβαινε…
Οι στρατιώτες παραδόθηκαν ρίχνοντας τα όπλα τους, τους ζητήθηκε να επιστρέψουν προς τους Τούρκους στρατιώτες και καθώς ήταν κοντά τους, άνοιξαν πυρ και τους σκότωσαν όλους.
Έτσι, περίπου 20 στρατιώτες δολοφονήθηκαν κοντά στην άκρη του δρόμου και περίπου 5 από αυτούς δολοφονήθηκαν και τους τους άφησαν εκεί στο κάτω μέρος αυτού του φαραγγιού.
Έμεινα εκεί ακίνητος μέχρι που όλοι οι στρατιώτες είχαν εξαφανιστεί από την κορυφή του φαραγγιού και σύρθηκα προς τα πάνω και έφτασα στην κορυφή του φαραγγιού.
Στάθηκα στο ένα πόδι εξέτασα προσεκτικά την περιοχή και είδα ότι στα νοτιοανατολικά μου υπήρχαν 2 σπίτια, κοντά στον κύριο δρόμο. Ήταν περίπου στις 10.30 π.μ.
Σχεδίασα την απευθείας διαδρομή μου προς αυτά τα σπίτια και καθώς ήμουν πολύ εξαντλημένος όταν έφτασα στο κάτω μέρος του φαραγγιού ήταν ήδη 6 μ.μ. Αποφάσισα να κοιμηθώ εκεί για να κερδίσω δυνάμεις και το πρωί συνέχισα το ταξίδι μου, πάντα συρόμενος μέχρι να φτάσω ξανά στην κορυφή του φαραγγιού, πιο κοντά σε αυτά τα σπίτια. Καθώς πλησίαζα το σπίτι, ένα αυτοκίνητο με σήμανση GB οδηγούσε στο δρόμο των σπιτιών. Τους φώναξα στα Αγγλικά και δύο μεσήλικες άντρες ήρθαν προς εμένα και μου έφεραν νερό. Προσφέρθηκαν να με μεταφέρουν στο νοσοκομείο Κερύνειας, τους ζήτησα να μην το κάνουν, καθώς υπέθεσα ότι το νοσοκομείο ήταν υπό την διοίκηση του τουρκικού στρατού, δεν άκουσαν, ίσως επειδή δεν ήθελαν να τους δουν να βοηθούν Ελληνοκύπριους στρατιώτες. Όταν φτάσαμε εκεί, μας έδιωξαν και με πήραν στο ξενοδοχείο Dome. Από εκεί τα Ηνωμένα Έθνη με πήραν στο Νοσοκομείο Λευκωσίας.
Προσπάθησα μερικές φορές να προσδιορίσω τη θέση που βρισκόμασταν για να αναφέρω τη δολοφονία αυτών των ανδρών, αλλά ποτέ δεν τα κατάφερα. Ούτε μπόρεσα να βρω τα 2 σπίτια που ανήκαν στους Άγγλους υπηκόους.
Ίσως η περιοχή έγινε μέρος μιας ευρύτερης στρατιωτικής περιοχής και δεν υπάρχει πρόσβαση στο ευρύ κοινό. Γι αυτό όταν άκουσα για σας σκέφτηκα να σας το πω έτσι ώστε να μπορέσετε να ρίξετε περισσότερο φως σε αυτήν την υπόθεση. Ο στόχος μου είναι να καταφέρω να δω αν αυτά τα νεκρά άτομα συλλέχθηκαν σε κάποια στιγμή και που θάφτηκαν.
Όταν η πανδημία επιτρέπει διακινήσεις, θα ήθελα να συναντηθώ μαζί σας και να δούμε αν μπορούμε να ταυτοποιήσουμε μαζί την περιοχή αυτή και τότε ίσως οι άνθρωποι να μας πουν αν αυτοί οι άνθρωποι βρέθηκαν και που θάφτηκαν, έτσι ώστε οι οικογένειες τους να πάρουν τα οστά τους.
Ελπίζω να μπορέσετε να βοηθήσετε.
Θερμούς χαιρετισμούς και σας ευχαριστώ πολύ...»
Μιλώ μαζί του και επίσης μιλώ με τους λειτουργούς της Κυπριακής Διερευνητικής Επιτροπής Αγνοουμένων και στο τέλος του τηλεφωνούν και κανονίζουν να συναντηθούν. Έτσι συναντάται με τους ερευνητές στο γραφείο του Ελληνοκύπριου Μέλους της ΔΕΑ – ευχαριστώ τον κ. Λεωνίδα Παντελίδη, το Ελληνοκύπριο μέλος της ΔΕΑ, που βοήθησε για αυτό και του τηλεφώνησε προσωπικά για να τον προσκαλέσει… Θα κανονίσουν μια επίσκεψη μαζί στην περιοχή, για να εντοπίσουν τα πραγματικά μέρη στα οποία αναφέρεται…
Από την άλλη, θυμούμαι ότι είχαμε εργαστεί πάνω στα δύο σπίτια που το 1974 ανήκαν σε κάποιους Άγγλους και γράφω σε έναν φίλο στο Λονδίνο, του οποίου ο πατέρας εργαζόταν εκεί ως κηπουρός. Μου λέει για αυτά τα δύο σπίτια… Καλώ επίσης τον εγγονό του Τουρκοκύπριου κηπουρού που έχει πεθάνει και ο εγγονός στη Λευκωσία ρωτά τον πατέρα του και ο πατέρας του ξέρει που είναι αυτά τα δύο σπίτια… Αν είναι τα ίδια σπίτια, τότε θα βοηθήσουμε στον εντοπισμό της περιοχής όπου κάποιοι από εκείνους τους «αγνοούμενους» Ελληνοκύπριους μπορεί να έχουν θαφτεί…
Θα προσπαθήσω να κανονίσω μια επίσκεψη σε αυτά τα δύο σπίτια μαζί με το γιο του κηπουρού που ζει στη Λευκωσία και να τα δείξουμε στους λειτουργούς της ΔΕΑ πριν από την επίσκεψη στην περιοχή, ώστε να γνωρίζουν εκ των προτέρων που βρίσκονται αυτά τα δύο σπίτια, εφόσον ο μάρτυρας μιλά για τα ίδια σπίτια…
Πηγαίνω επίσης να επισκεφτώ δύο χώρους ταφής όπου οι ομάδες της ΔΕΑ βρήκαν οστά… Ένας από αυτούς είναι στο Μπογάζι Κερύνειας, στα βουνά όπου προηγουμένως, με τη βοήθεια ενός από τους καλούς μας Τουρκοκύπριους αναγνώστες, βρέθηκαν τα οστά πέντε «αγνοούμενων» Ελληνοκυπρίων μέσα σε ένα καμίνι... Η περιοχή που έσκαβαν βρίσκεται κοντά στο καμίνι και έχουν βρει τα οστά τριών «αγνοουμένων», διάσπαρτα στην περιοχή... Προφανώς αυτό ήταν το ρέμα και κατεβαίνοντας προς τα κάτω, τα οστά πιάστηκαν ανάμεσα στις ρίζες των δέντρων… Δεν είμαι σίγουρη αν ήταν στην ίδια ομάδα των πέντε «αγνοούμενων» των οποίων τα οστά βρέθηκαν στο καμίνι ή όχι – μόνο η ανάλυση DNA θα μας δείξει στα σίγουρα ποιοι ήταν…
Το άλλο μέρος που επισκέπτομαι είναι έξω από το Κιόνελι, στον παλιό δρόμο από το Κιόνελι προς την Κερύνεια… Αυτός ήταν ο παλιός δρόμος της Κερύνειας και πριν να κατασκευαστεί ο νέος δρόμος προς την Κερύνεια μετά το 1974, αυτός ήταν ο δρόμος που χρησιμοποιούσαμε… Στην αριστερή πλευρά του δρόμου, είχαν βρεθεί τα οστά ενός «αγνοούμενου» ατόμου από την ομάδα εκσκαφών της Κυπριακής Διερευνητικής Επιτροπής Αγνοουμένων…
Όταν επισκέφτηκα το μέρος, όλοι φορούσαν λευκές φόρμες, καθώς αυτό ήταν ένα είδος σκουπιδότοπου και υπήρχε αμίαντος ανάμεσα στα σκουπίδια…
Κοντά βρίσκεται το «Plumer Forest» όπου θυμούμαι ότι διοργανώνονταν αγώνες για μοτοσικλέτες πριν από χρόνια... Οι νέοι μοτοσικλετιστές ανεβοκατέβαιναν στους λόφους και συναγωνίζονταν μεταξύ τους... Όχι, δεν ήταν «δάσος» με την πλήρη έννοια της λέξης, αλλά μια περιοχή όπου υπήρχαν κάποια δέντρων…
Και πάλι, η ίδια ομοιότητα με τον άλλο τόπο ταφής στο Μπογάζι Κερύνειας: Ένα ρυάκι… Άραγε το άτομο αυτό το άτομο προσπαθούσε να ξεφύγει από τον πόλεμο ακολουθώντας το ρυάκι για να φτάσει στη Λευκωσία από την Κερύνεια; Ή ήταν από άλλο χωριό της περιοχής;
Και πάλι, θα πρέπει να περιμένουμε να δούμε τα αποτελέσματα της ανάλυσης DNA για να είμαστε σίγουροι ποιος ήταν…
Αισθάνομαι χαρούμενη και ταυτόχρονα λυπημένη… Νιώθω χαρούμενη που έρχονται άνθρωποι σε εμένα και μου μιλούν και είμαστε σε θέση να κανονίσουμε να συναντηθούν με τους λειτουργούς της ΔΕΑ για περαιτέρω έρευνες... Αλλά πάντα με συνοδεύει μια απίστευτη θλίψη, σαν φόντο – δεν μπορώ να φανταστώ τι είδος κόλασης πέρασε αυτός ο μάρτυρας το 1974 και χειρότερα, μετά όλα αυτά τα χρόνια, όταν σκέφτεται τι είχε συμβεί, πως συνέβηκε, ξαναζώντας τις αναμνήσεις ξανά και ξανά... Κανένας δεν θεράπευσε αυτές τις πληγές της ψυχής μας και τις κουβαλάμε σαν δεύτερο δέρμα… Γι αυτό πρέπει να διασφαλίσουμε ότι δεν θα ξανασυμβεί καμιά τέτοια σύγκρουση σε αυτή τη γη… Και να κάνουμε ότι είναι δυνατό για να το αποτρέψουμε…
Ευχαριστώ από καρδιάς αυτόν τον μάρτυρα που μου έγραψε – ξέρω ότι χρειάστηκε πολύ θάρρος και σκέψη για να γίνει αυτό, αλλά είμαι αιώνια ευγνώμων σε αυτόν που έκανε αυτό το βήμα… Ευχαριστώ επίσης τους λειτουργούς της ΔΕΑ που συναντήθηκαν μαζί του και φρόντισαν να ξεκινήσουν να ερευνούν όλα όσα μας είπε…


1. Οι πέντε "αγνοούμενοι" Ελληνοκύπριοι των οποίων τα οστά βρέθηκαν σε καμίνι το Μπογάζι Κερύνειας
2. Μαζί με τη ομάδα εκσκαφών της ΔΕΑ στο Μπογάζι Κερυνειας

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