ARTICLE IN ENGLISH, TURKISH AND GREEK: August: The month of mass murders…
*** Noone was ever held "accountable" for mass murders on either side of our island…
August: The month of mass murders…
Sevgul Uludag
Tel: 99 966518
August is a very painful month for both Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots, as well as Maronite Cypriots… It is a month of mass murders, forced displacement, people going "missing" as well as women raped as an "opportunistic" crime using "war" as the pretext…
14 August 1974 marks perhaps the biggest war crime in Cyprus, a crime against humanity when the Greek Cypriot members of EOKA-B coming from various villages like Peristerona Pygi, Lefkonico etc. killed 126 Turkish Cypriots, mainly women and children, including babies and old men who had been stuck in three villages: Maratha-Sandallaris-Aloa…
Why they did this? It was to cover up their own crimes since they became afraid it would be found out so they tried to destroy completely the population of the three villages.
Why they did this? They had arrested the Turkish Cypriot men of these three villages, taking them from Peristerona Pygi to Karaolos Camp and then to Limassol as prisoners of war. This was process of taking the men of the three villages began around the 20th of July 1974… And then they had taken the women, children and old men from Peristerona Pygi back to the three villages to their homes.
Why they did this? The Greek Cypriots from EOKA-B from Peristerona Pygi, Lefkonico, Monarga, Agios Sergios and all the surrounding villages wanted to have some "fun" as "opportunists", using the "war" as a pretext… They had "other" ideas – sure, there was a war in Cyprus, fighting in the area of Kyrenia, as well as other places like Alaminos, Paphos, Limassol, Larnaca, Nicosia but these Greek Cypriots wanted to set up shop in these three small Turkish Cypriot villages, take animals and slaughter them and make souvlaki, get drunk and harass the defenceless women and children in the villages. This would continue until the 14th of August 1974 when they "discovered" that the Turkish army might be coming towards those villages and they decided to wipe out every single living human from the earth in these three villages. So they set out to kill all the women and children and old men and bury them in mass graves… And they would escape and go to the southern part of our island in order not to be get caught since they knew, they had committed grave crimes against humans and humanity on this land…
But soon, the mass graves would be discovered and this would be a huge shock and others would use these mass graves of Maratha-Sandallaris and Aloa in order to get "revenge" they would claim… From a whole classroom of kids in the school photographs we see where all had been killed, one boy, Shafak Nihat would hide and survive, him as well as his family who had managed to hide. Shafak himself would soon discover something terribly wrong with the appearance of the rubbish damp where he used to play – he would in fact see the hand of a child sticking out of the rubbish and he would run and notify those who had been looking for the people from Maratha who had "vanished" into thin air… People who would come to the village would search everywhere but would not be able to find them and they would start thinking that maybe all those women and children had been taken as prisoners of war to someplace like the prisoners of war camp in Limassol. But no, all had been killed and buried – those from Maratha and Sandallaris to the rubbish damp outside Maratha and those from Aloa, at a different location… With the help of Shafak Nihat, a teenager boy of 13-14 from Maratha who had managed to survive by hiding, the mass grave of Maratha-Sandallaris would be discovered and this would become the biggest shock ever since all those massacred were women and children of all ages, including small babies in diapers, innocent angels of this earth… The Aloa mass grave would be discovered too and this would be a further shock to the people…
As news that innocent women and children had been killed by some Greek Cypriots of EOKA-B would travel all over the island, this would start a "cycle of revenge"… Some Turkish Cypriots, using this as an "opportunity" to "get back at Greek Cypriots", they would start killing innocent civilians and also prisoners of war in Chatoz, in Lapathos, in Derynia, in Galatia, in Trikomo, in Karpasia, you name it… They would use the killings of EOKA-B as a pretext to take "revenge" and "retaliate" and as a result, the island would be soaked with blood of innocent people who had nothing to do with EOKA-B… People from Komikepir, Eptakomi would be executed… Women from Koma tou Yialou would be raped… People from Assia, Aphania would be killed and buried in mass graves, in fields and in water wells… Women from Assia, Aphania, Lapithos and Lapathos would be raped… Rapes would take place in the prisoners of war camp set up in Voni until such time when Alpay Topuz would be appointed there to administer the camp and he would stop the rapes… No one would ever thank him for the humanity he has shown and his determination to protect the Greek Cypriot women in that camp except the bicommunal groups and associations of peace and reconciliation on our island.
EOKA-B would commit similar crimes in the Tochni village when they would gather two busloads of Turkish Cypriot men and teenagers from Tochni, Zygi and Mari and on the way to the prisoners of war camp set up in Limassol to keep Turkish Cypriot men and teenagers, they would divert the two buses and execute them with cold blood at the Greek Cypriot Palodia military camp and at Pareklisia… But one Turkish Cypriot would manage to survive: Suat Kafadar would crawl out of the Palodia military camp wounded, he would hide in the trees and slowly he would make his way towards Muttayiaka village where he would tell the story of mass killings of Greek Cypriots of EOKA-B… At the Palodia Greek Cypriot military camp, they would make them sit down and give them cigarettes to smoke, collect their wallets and watches and valuables and then start shooting at them – when these Greek Cypriots who committed this crime would go away to bring a bulldozer to bury them, Suat Kafadar from Tochni, a young man of barely 19 years old would escape crawling and that is how we would find out the details of this story of mass murder… EOKA-B would bury the Turkish Cypriots at the Palodia military camp but after the escape of Suat, UN would visit the Palodia camp and start questioning so the military authorities of the camp of those days would send the UN away, telling them that now they have "military exercises" and "to come back the next day…"
So that evening they would open the mass grave and with the help of some fire department trucks, they would carry the bodies of the massacred Turkish Cypriots from the Palodia military camp to Gerasa mines where they would rebury them… As for the second bus from Tochni who would "disappear", there isn't too much information since we don't have anyone who managed to escape the mass murders like Suat did from the first bus… We know that they were buried in Pareklisia mines and the actual place of the mass grave was moved some few meters later on – it is one of the biggest mines currently operating in Cyprus…
These two mass graves where the murdered Turkish Cypriots from Tochni and Zygi were buried would be dug out by the Cyprus Missing Persons' Committee but we still have two missing Turkish Cypriots from those two buses who were not found in the mass graves…
Neither Turkish Cypriots, nor Greek Cypriots ever tried anyone for these murders committed in Galatia, in Lapathos, in Chatoz, in Galatia, in Karpasia, in Palodia, in Pareklisia, in Agia Irini, in Trikomo, in Derynia, in Maratha-Sandallaris-Aloa, in Koma tou Yialou and the list goes on and on and on… Both sides have covered up these crimes against humanity on this land and both sides have only allowed the mass graves to be dug by the Cyprus Missing Persons' Committee, so long they do not attribute any "blame" to anyone in connection with these mass murders…
As those Cypriots who want peace and reconciliation of this land, we need to tell the truth about these mass murders since lies cannot protect us and only the truth would set us free and help us to understand and create conditions where such mass murders would not be "unaccountable" on this land…
Kıbrıs'ta katliamlar ayı: Ağustos…
Sevgül Uludağ
0090 542 853 8436
Ağustos ayı, hem Kıbrıslıtürkler, hem de Kıbrıslırumlar için, Kıbrıslımaronitler için de son derece üzücü bir aydır... Bu ayda toplu katliamlar, zorla yerinden edilmeler, insanların "kayıp" edilmesi yaşandı... Ve ayrıca "savaş"ı bir "gerekçe" olarak kullanarak bunu "oportünist" bir suça dönüştüren ve kadınlara tecavüz edenlerin yarattığı korkunç yıkımların yaşandığı bir aydır...
14 Ağustos 1974, Kıbrıs'ta işlenmiş belki de en büyük savaş suçu ve insanlığa karşı suçu oluşturan Muratağa-Atlılar-Sandallar katliamının yaşandığı gündür. O gün, Piperisterona, Lefkonuk vs. gibi köylerden gelen EOKA B mensubu bazı Kıbrıslırumlar, aralarında minik bebeklerin ve yaşlı insanların da bulunduğu, ağırlıkla kadınlar ve çocuklardan oluşan üç köyden 126 Kıbrıslıtürk'ü katletmişlerdi... Bu üç köy, Muratağa-Atlılar-Sandallar köyleri idi...Bunu neden yapmışlardı? Bu köyden Kıbrıslıtürk erkekleri tutuklayarak onları önce Piperisterona'ya, arından Mağusa'da Karaolos Kampı'na ve sonrasında da savaş esiri olarak Leymosun'a taşımışlardı...Üç köyün erkeklerinin tutuklandığı bu süreç 20 Temmuz 1974'te başlamıştı. Sonrasında da kadınlar, çocuklar ve yaşlı adamları Piperisterona'dan bu üç köydeki evlerine geri götürmüşlerdi...
Bunu neden yaptılar? Piperisterona, Lefkonuk, Monarga, Aysergi ve civar köylerden EOKA B mensubu bazı Kıbrıslırumlar, "savaş"ı gerekçe olarak kullanarak "oportünistler" olarak "eğlenmek" istyorlardı. Başka başka "fikirleri" vardı – elbette Kıbrıs'ta savaş devam ediyordu, Girne'de çarpışmalar oluyordu, Alaminyo'da, Baf'ta, Leymosun'da, Larnaka'da, Lefkoşa'da çarpışmalar vardı 20 Temmuz 1974'ten itibaren ancak EOKA-B'ci bu Kıbrıslırumlar, bu üç küçük Kıbrıslıtürk köyüne yerleştiler, hayvanları alıp bazladılar, kendilerine "suflaki" yaptılar, içip içip sarhoş olarak bu köylerdeki savunmasız kadınlarla çocukları tacize giriştiler... Bu durum 14 Ağustos 1974'e kadar devam etti, ta ki Türk askerlerinin bu köylere doğru geliyor olduklarını "farkedinceye" kadar – işte o zaman bu üç köydeki tüm insanların her birini yok etmeye karar verdiler. Böylece bu üç köyden kadınlarla çocukları ve yaşlı insanları öldürmeye ve toplu mezarlara gömmeye giriştiler. Muratağa-Atlılar-Sandallar'dan kaçarak adamızın güneyine sığındılar, yakalanmak istemiyorlardı çünkü insanlara ve insanlığa karşı çok büyük suçlar işlediklerinin farkındaydılar...
Ancak kısa süre sonra bu üç köyden insanların öldürülerek gömüldüğü toplu mezarlar bulunacak ve bu da korkunç bir şok yaratacaktı – ve bir takım Kıbrıslıtürkler de bu toplu mezarları kullanarak "intikam" almaya girişecekti... EOKA-B'nin yarattığı bu toplu mezarların varlığı, yeni suçların işlenmesi için "gerekçe" yapılacaktı...
Bir sınıf fotoğrafında görülen tüm çocuklar öldürülmüştü – bir tek sınıf öğretmeni öldürülmemişti çünkü okullar tatil olduğu için, öğretmen köyde değildi. Bu sınıf fotoğrafında görülen tüm çocuklar arasından sağ kurtulan bir tek Şafak Nihat olacaktı ve Şafak Nihat'ın ailesi, onlar saklanarak öldürülmekten kurtulmuşlardı.Şafak Nihat henüz 14 yaşında bir çocuktu – bizzat o Muratağa-Sandallar toplu mezarının nerede olduğunu keşfedecekti... Her zaman oynadığı köy dışındaki çöplükte birşeylerin değişmiş olduğunu keşfetmişti, sonra da bir çocuğun elinin dışarıda olduğunu görmüş ve hemen koşarak bu durumu haber vermişti... Herkes Muratağa'dan "kayıp" edilen insanları aramaktaydı... Her tarafı arıyorlar ancak onları bulamıyorlardı – belki de bu kadınlarla çocukların alınıp Leymosun'daki esir kampı gibi bir yere savaş esiri olarak götürüldüklerini düşünmeye başlamışlardı. Ancak durum hiç de öyle değildi – tümü de öldürülmüş ve toplu mezarlara gömülmüşlerdi. Muratağa ve Sandallar'daki insanlar, Muratağa'nın dışındaki çöp alanına, Atlılar'daki insanlar da Atlılar dışında başka bir noktaya gömülmüşlerdi.Şafak Nihat'ın yardımlarıyla Muratağa-Sandallar toplu mezarı ortaya çıkarılacak ve bu da yaşanan en büyük şoka neden olacaktı çünkü katledilmiş olanların tümü de kadınlar ve her yaştan çocuklardı, henüz bezden kurtulmamış bebekler vardı öldürülenler arasında, bu dünyanın masum meleciklerine bile kıymışlardı... Atlılar toplu mezarı da bulunacak ve bu da ikinci bir şok dalgası yaratacaktı...
Masum kadınlarla çocukların EOKA-B mensubu bazı Kıbrıslırumlar tarafından katledilmiş olduğuna dair haberler tüm adaya yayılırken, bu da bir "intikam furyası"nı tetikleyecekti. Bazı Kıbrıslıtürkler, bunu bir "fırsat" olarak kullanarak, "Kıbrıslırumlar'dan intikam almaya" girişecek ve masum sivillerin yanısıra savaş esirlerini de Çatoz'da, Lapatoz'da, Derinya'da, Galatya'da, Trükomo'da, Karpaz'da, aklınıza gelebilecek her yerde öldürmeye girişecekti... EOKA-B'nin cinayetlerini bir gerekçe olarak kullanıp "intikam" iddiasıyla adayı kana bulayacaklar, EOKA-B'yle hiç alakası olmayan masum insanların canlarını alacaklardı... Böylece adamız kana boğulacaktı. Komikebir'den, Eptagomi'den insanlar kurşuna dizilecekti. Kumyalı'dan (Koma du Yalu) kadınlara tecavüz edilecekti. Aşşa ve Afanya'dan insanlar öldürülerek toplu mezarlara, tarlalara ve kuyulara gömülecekti. Aşşa, Afanya, Lapta ve Lapatoz'dan kadınlara tecavüz edilecekti... Voni'de (şimdiki adı Gökhan) savaş esiri olarak tutulan Kıbrıslırum kadınlara korkunç biçimde tecavüz edilecekti – ta ki Alpay Topuz bu kampın yöneticiliğine getirilinceye kadar bu devam edecekti. Alpay Topuz büyük bir insaniyet örneği göstererek bu tecavüzleri derhal durduracak ve kampta tutulan Kıbrıslırum kadınları korumaya çalışacaktı. Alpay Topuz'a bu insaniyeti için iki toplumlu barış grupları dışında hiç kimsecikler de bir kuru "teşekkür" dahi etmeyecekti...
EOKA-B'ciler, Dohni köyünde de benzer suçlar işlemeye girişeceklerdi – Dohni (Taşkent) ve Zigi'den (Terazi) toplayıp iki otobüse doldurdukları Kıbrıslıtürk erkekler ve ergenleri, Leymosun esir kampına götürmek yerine, bu iki otobüsün gittiği yönü değiştirerek Palodya Kıbrıslırum askeri kampında ve Pareklişa'da onları soğukkanlılıkla katledeceklerdi. Ancak bu katliamdan tek bir Kıbrıslıtürk yaralı ama sağ olarak kurtulacaktı: Suat Kafadar, Palodya askeri kampından yaralı olarak sürünerek kaçmayı başaracak ve ağaçlarda saklanarak yavaş yavaş Muttayaga (Mutluyaka) köyüne gitmeyi ve yaşanan katliamı anlatacaktı. Palodya Kıbrıslırum askeri kampında EOKA-B'ciler birinci otobüste bulunan herkesi yere oturtmuşlar, onlara içmek için sigara vermişler, cüzdanlarını, saatlerini, yüzüklerini toplamışlardı. Sonra da onları vurmuşlardı... Öldürdüklerini gömmek üzere bir şiro getirmeye gittikleri zaman, işte o zaman Suat Kafadar kaçabilmişti katliam yerinden – henüz 19 yaşında Dohnili bir gençti... Sürünerek kaçmıştı... Biz de bu katliamın ayrıntılarını o sağ kalabildiği için öğrenebilmiştik.EOKA-B'ciler öldürdükleri Kıbrıslıtürkler'i Palodya askeri kampına gömmüşlerdi – ancak Suat Kafadar'ın bu katliamı anlatmasıyla birlikte Birleşmiş Milletler Palodya askeri kampını ziyaret ederek sorular sormaya girişmişti. Kampın o günlerdeki askeri yetkilileri, "askeri manevraları olduğu" gerekçesiyle BM'yi kamptan göndermişler, ertesi gün geri gelmelerini söylemişlerdi...
O akşam toplu mezarı açmışlar ve itfaiyeye ait bazı kamyonlar vasıtasıyla Palodya askeri kampında öldürülmüş olan Kıbrıslıtürkler'i, Yerasa madenlerine taşıyarak buraya tekrardan bir başka toplu mezara gömmüşlerdi. Dohni'den "kayıp" edilen ikinci otobüsle ilgili çok fazla bilgi yok elimizde çünkü bu ikinci katliamdan, Suat Kafadar gibi sağ kurtulan olmamış... Pareklişa madenine gömüldüklerini ve ilk toplu mezarın yerinin daha sonra birkaç metre uzağa doğru değiştirildiğini biliyoruz. Pareklişa, Kıbrıs'ta halen çalışmakta olan en büyük taş ocaklarından birisidir.Dohni ve Zigi'den Kıbrıslıtürkler'in öldürülerek gömülmüş olduğu bu iki toplu mezar, Kayıplar Komitesi tarafından kazıldı, onlardan geride kalanlara ulaşıldı. Ancak bu iki otobüsten hala "kayıp" olan iki Kıbrıslıtürk var. Onların akıbeti henüz bilinmiyor...
Kıbrıslıtürkler de, Kıbrıslırumlar da, Galatya'da, Lapatoz'da, Lapta'da, Çatoz'da, Galatya'da, Karpaz'da, Palodya'da, Pareklişa'da, Aya İrini'de, Trikomo'da, Derinya'da, Muratağa-Atlılar-Sandallar'da, Kumyalı'da ve daha pek çok yerde yaşanan katliamlardan ötürü hiç kimseyi sorumlu tutmadılar, hiç kimseyi yargı önüne çıkarmadılar, hiç kimsecikler işlemiş oldukları bu ağır insanlık suçlarından ötürü yargılanmadı. Her iki taraf da bu adada insanlığa karşı işlenmiş olan bu suçların üstünü örttüler, iki taraf bir tek Kayıplar Komitesi'ne bu toplu mezarları kazma izni verdiler, o da herhangi bir tarafı "suçlamamak", herhangi birini bu toplu katliamlardan "sorumlu tutmamak" koşuluyla... Çünkü zaten Kayıplar Komitesi, 1981 yılında kurulurken, bu koşulla kurulmuştu...Bu adada barış ve yeniden uzlaşma isteyen Kıbrıslılar olarak bu katliamların öykülerini anlatmalıyız çünkü yalanlar bizi koruyamaz, ancak gerçek bizi özgür kılabilir... Karşılıklı anlayışı bu şekilde yaratabiliriz ve bu topraklarda böylesi katliamların "cezasız" kalmayacağı koşulları yaratmamıza yardımcı olabilir...
Κανένας δεν έχει «λογοδοτήσει» ποτέ για μαζικές δολοφονίες και στις δύο πλευρές του νησιού μας...
Αύγουστος: Ο μήνας των μαζικών δολοφονιών...
Sevgul Uludag
Τηλ: 99 966518
Ο Αύγουστος είναι ένας πολύ οδυνηρός μήνας τόσο για τους Τουρκοκύπριους όσο και για τους Ελληνοκύπριους, καθώς και για τους Μαρωνίτες Κύπριους... Είναι ένας μήνας μαζικών δολοφονιών, αναγκαστικών εκτοπίσεων, ανθρώπων που «εξαφανίζονται» καθώς και γυναικών που βιάζονται ως «ευκαιριακό» έγκλημα με πρόσχημα τον «πόλεμο»...
Μαράθα – Σανταλλάρης - Αλόα...
Η 14η Αυγούστου 1974 σηματοδοτεί ίσως το μεγαλύτερο έγκλημα πολέμου στην Κύπρο, ένα έγκλημα κατά της ανθρωπότητας, όταν οι Ελληνοκύπριοι μέλη της ΕΟΚΑ Β προερχόμενοι από διάφορα χωριά όπως Περιστερωνοπηγή (Πηγή Περιστερώνα), Λευκόνοικο κτλ, σκότωσαν 126 Τουρκοκύπριους, κυρίως γυναίκες και παιδιά, συμπεριλαμβανομένων βρεφών και ηλικιωμένων που είχαν εγκλωβιστεί σε τρία χωριά: Μαράθα-Σανταλλάρης-Αλόα...
Γιατί το έκαναν αυτό; Ήταν για να καλύψουν τα δικά τους εγκλήματα αφού φοβήθηκαν ότι θα αποκαλύπτονταν και έτσι προσπάθησαν να καταστρέψουν εντελώς τον πληθυσμό των τριών χωριών.
Γιατί το έκαναν αυτό; Είχαν συλλάβει τους Τουρκοκύπριους άντρες των τριών αυτών χωριών, και τους μετέφεραν από την Περιστερωνοπηγή στο στρατόπεδο Καράολος και στη συνέχεια στη Λεμεσό ως αιχμαλώτους πολέμου. Αυτή η διαδικασία της σύλληψης των αντρών των τριών χωριών άρχισε γύρω στις 20 Ιουλίου 1974... Και στη συνέχεια πήραν τις γυναίκες, τα παιδιά και τους ηλικιωμένους από την Περιστερωνοπηγή πίσω στα σπίτια τους στα τρία χωριά.
Χρησιμοποιώντας τον «πόλεμο» ως «πρόσχημα» για τη διάπραξη εγκλημάτων...
Γιατί το έκαναν αυτό; Οι Ελληνοκύπριοι της ΕΟΚΑ Β από την Περιστερωνοπηγή, το Λευκόνοικο, τη Μοναργά, τον Άγιο Σέργιο και όλα τα γύρω χωριά ήθελαν να «διασκεδάσουν» ως «καιροσκόποι», χρησιμοποιώντας ως πρόσχημα τον «πόλεμο»... Είχαν «άλλες» ιδέες – σίγουρα, υπήρχε πόλεμος στην Κύπρο, μάχες στην περιοχή της Κερύνειας, καθώς και σε άλλα μέρη όπως ο Αλαμινός, η Πάφος, η Λεμεσός, η Λάρνακα, η Λευκωσία, αλλά αυτοί οι Ελληνοκύπριοι ήθελαν να εγκατασταθούν σε αυτά τα τρία μικρά τουρκοκυπριακά χωριά, να πάρουν ζώα και να τα σφάξουν και να φτιάξουν σουβλάκια, να μεθύσουν και να παρενοχλήσουν τα ανυπεράσπιστα γυναικόπαιδα στα χωριά. Αυτό συνεχιζόταν μέχρι τις 14 Αυγούστου 1974, όταν «ανακάλυψαν» ότι ο τουρκικός στρατός μπορεί να ερχόταν προς αυτά τα χωριά και αποφάσισαν να εξαφανίσουν από τη γη κάθε ζωντανό άνθρωπο σε αυτά τα τρία χωριά. Έτσι ξεκίνησαν να σκοτώνουν όλα τα γυναικόπαιδα και τους ηλικιωμένους και τους έθαψαν σε μαζικούς τάφους... Και διέφυγαν και πήγαν στο νότιο μέρος του νησιού μας για να μην τους πιάσουν, αφού ήξεραν ότι είχαν διαπράξει σοβαρά εγκλήματα κατά των ανθρώπων και της ανθρωπότητας σε αυτή τη γη...
Ανακαλύπτονται οι μαζικοί τάφοι…
Σύντομα όμως, οι μαζικοί τάφοι ανακαλύπτονται και αυτό ήταν ένα τεράστιο σοκ και άλλοι χρησιμοποιούν αυτούς τους μαζικούς τάφους στα χωριά Μαράθα-Σανταλάρης-Αλόα για να πάρουν «εκδίκηση» όπως ισχυρίζονταν... Από μια ολόκληρη τάξη παιδιών στις φωτογραφίες του σχολείου που βλέπουμε όλοι είχαν σκοτωθεί, ένα αγόρι, ο Shafak Nihat κρύφτηκε και επιβίωσε, αυτός καθώς και η οικογένεια του που είχε καταφέρει να κρυφτεί. Ο ίδιος ο Shafak σύντομα ανακάλυψε κάτι τρομερό με την εξωτερική εμφάνιση του σκουπιδότοπου όπου συνήθιζε να παίζει – είδε μάλιστα το χέρι ενός παιδιού να προεξέχει από τα σκουπίδια και έτρεξε να ειδοποιήσει αυτούς που έψαχναν τους ανθρώπους από τη Μαράθα που είχαν «εξαφανιστεί»... Οι άνθρωποι που έρχονταν στο χωριό έψαχναν παντού αλλά δεν μπορούσαν να τους βρουν και άρχισαν να σκέφτονται ότι ίσως όλα αυτά τα γυναικόπαιδα είχαν μεταφερθεί ως αιχμάλωτοι πολέμου σε κάποιο μέρος όπως το στρατόπεδο αιχμαλώτων πολέμου στη Λεμεσό. Αλλά όχι, όλοι είχαν σκοτωθεί και θαφτεί – αυτοί από τη Μαράθα και τον Σανταλάρη στο σκουπιδότοπο έξω από τη Μαράθα και αυτοί από την Αλόα, σε διαφορετική τοποθεσία... Με τη βοήθεια του Shafak Nihat, ενός έφηβου 13-14 ετών από τη Μαράθα που είχε καταφέρει να επιβιώσει κρυμμένος, ανακαλύφτηκε ο μαζικός τάφος της Μαράθα-Σανταλάρη και αυτό αποτέλεσε το μεγαλύτερο σοκ όλων των εποχών αφού όλοι οι σφαγιασθέντες ήταν γυναίκες και παιδιά όλων των ηλικιών, συμπεριλαμβανομένων και μικρών βρεφών με πάνες, αθώα αγγελούδια αυτής της γης... Ανακαλύφτηκε και ο μαζικός τάφος της Αλόας και αυτό ήταν ένα ακόμα σοκ για τον κόσμο...
Ένας «κύκλος εκδίκησης»...
Καθώς η είδηση, ότι αθώα γυναικόπαιδα είχαν σκοτωθεί από κάποιους Ελληνοκύπριους της ΕΟΚΑ Β, ταξίδευσε σε όλο το νησί, αυτό ξεκίνησε έναν «κύκλο εκδίκησης»... Κάποιοι Τουρκοκύπριοι, χρησιμοποιώντας αυτό ως «ευκαιρία» για να «εκδικηθούν τους Ελληνοκύπριους», άρχισαν να σκοτώνουν αθώους αμάχους αλλά και αιχμαλώτους πολέμου στο Τζιάος, στη Λάπαθο, στη Δερύνεια, στη Γαλάτεια, στο Τρίκωμο, στην Καρπασία, παντού... Χρησιμοποιούσαν ως πρόσχημα τις δολοφονίες της ΕΟΚΑ Β για να πάρουν «εκδίκηση» και σε «αντίποινα» με αποτέλεσμα το νησί να ποτιστεί με αίμα αθώων ανθρώπων που δεν είχαν καμία σχέση με την ΕΟΚΑ Β... Άνθρωποι από την Κώμη Κεπήρ, την Επτακώμη εκτελέστηκαν... Γυναίκες από την Κώμα του Γιαλού βιάστηκαν... Άνθρωποι από την Άσσια, την Αφάνεια σκοτώθηκαν και θάφτηκαν σε μαζικούς τάφους, σε χωράφια και σε πηγάδια... Γυναίκες από την Άσσια, την Αφάνεια, τη Λάπηθο και τη Λάπαθο βιάστηκαν... Βιασμοί πραγματοποιήθηκαν στο στρατόπεδο αιχμαλώτων πολέμου που είχε δημιουργηθεί στη Βώνη μέχρι τη στιγμή που τοποθετήθηκε εκεί ο Alpay Topuz για να διοικήσει το στρατόπεδο και σταμάτησε τους βιασμούς... Κανένας δεν τον ευχαρίστησε ποτέ για την ανθρωπιά που επέδειξε και την αποφασιστικότητα του να προστατεύσει τις Ελληνοκύπριες γυναίκες στο στρατόπεδο αυτό, εκτός από τις δικοινοτικές ομάδες και τους συνδέσμους ειρήνης και συμφιλίωσης στο νησί μας.
Η σφαγή στο Ελληνοκυπριακό στρατόπεδο στην Παλώδια...
Η ΕΟΚΑ Β διέπραξε παρόμοια εγκλήματα στο χωριό Τόχνη όταν συγκέντρωσε σε δύο λεωφορεία Τουρκοκύπριους άντρες και εφήβους από την Τόχνη, το Ζύγι και το Μαρί και στο δρόμο προς το στρατόπεδο αιχμαλώτων πολέμου που είχε δημιουργηθεί στη Λεμεσό για να κρατούνται οι Τουρκοκύπριους άντρες και έφηβοι, εξέτρεψαν από την πορεία τους τα δύο λεωφορεία και τους εκτέλεσαν εν ψυχρώ στο ελληνοκυπριακό στρατόπεδο στην Παλώδια και στην Παρεκλησιά... Όμως, ένας Τουρκοκύπριος κατάφερε να επιζήσει: Ο Suat Kafadar σύρθηκε έξω από το στρατόπεδο στην Παλώδιας τραυματισμένος, κρύφτηκε στα δέντρα και σιγά σιγά πήγε προς το χωριό Μουταγιάκα όπου διηγήθηκε την ιστορία των μαζικών δολοφονιών από Ελληνοκύπριους της ΕΟΚΑ Β... Στο ελληνοκυπριακό στρατόπεδο στην Παλώδιας, τους έβαλαν να καθίσουν και τους έδωσαν τσιγάρα για να καπνίσουν, μάζεψαν τα πορτοφόλια, τα ρολόγια και τα πολύτιμα τους και μετά άρχισαν να τους πυροβολούν – όταν αυτοί οι Ελληνοκύπριοι που διέπραξαν αυτό το έγκλημα έφυγαν για να φέρουν μια μπουλντόζα για να τους θάψουν, ο Suat Kafadar από την Τόχνη, ένας νεαρός μόλις 19 χρονών δραπέτευσε συρόμενος και έτσι μάθαμε τις λεπτομέρειες αυτής της ιστορίας μαζικής δολοφονίας... Η ΕΟΚΑ Β έθαψε τους Τουρκοκύπριους στο στρατόπεδο στην Παλώδια, αλλά μετά την απόδραση του Suat, τα Ηνωμένα Έθνη επισκέφτηκαν το στρατόπεδο στην Παλώδια και άρχιζαν τις ερωτήσεις, οπότε οι στρατιωτικές αρχές του στρατοπέδου εκείνης της εποχής έδιωξαν τα Ηνωμένα Έθνη, λέγοντας τους ότι τώρα έχουν «στρατιωτικές ασκήσεις» και «να επιστρέψουν την επόμενη μέρα...»
Μεταφορά οστών στη Γεράσα...
Έτσι εκείνο το βράδυ άνοιξαν το μαζικό τάφο και με τη βοήθεια κάποιων πυροσβεστικών φορτηγών μετέφεραν τα πτώματα των σφαγιασθέντων Τουρκοκυπρίων από το στρατόπεδο στη Παλώδια στα μεταλλεία στη Γεράσα όπου τα ξαναέθαψαν... Όσο για το δεύτερο λεωφορείο που «εξαφανίστηκε» από την Τόχνη, δεν υπάρχουν πάρα πολλές πληροφορίες αφού δεν έχουμε κανέναν που να κατάφερε να ξεφύγει από τις μαζικές δολοφονίες όπως κατάφερε ο Suat από το πρώτο λεωφορείο... Γνωρίζουμε ότι θάφτηκαν στα μεταλλεία Παρεκλησιάς και ο πραγματικός τόπος του μαζικού τάφου μεταφέρθηκε κατά μερικά μέτρα αργότερα – είναι ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα μεταλλεία που λειτουργούν σήμερα στην Κύπρο...
Αυτοί οι δύο μαζικοί τάφοι όπου θάφτηκαν οι δολοφονημένοι Τουρκοκύπριοι από την Τόχνη και το Ζύγι σκάφτηκαν από την Κυπριακή Διερευνητική Επιτροπή Αγνοουμένων αλλά έχουμε ακόμα δύο αγνοούμενους Τουρκοκύπριους από τα δύο αυτά λεωφορεία που δεν βρέθηκαν στους μαζικούς τάφους...
Κανένας δεν έχει λογοδοτήσει ποτέ...
Ούτε οι Τουρκοκύπριοι, ούτε οι Ελληνοκύπριοι δεν έχουν δικάσει ποτέ κανένα για αυτές τις δολοφονίες που διαπράχθηκαν στη Γαλάτεια, στη Λάπαθο, στο Τζιάος, στη Γαλάτεια, στην Καρπασία, στην Παλώδια, στην Παρεκκλησιά, στην Αγία Ειρήνη, στο Τρίκωμο, στη Δερύνεια, στα χωριά Μαράθα-Σανταλλάρη-Αλόα, στην Κώμα του Γιαλού και ο κατάλογος συνεχίζεται και συνεχίζεται και συνεχίζεται... Και οι δύο πλευρές κάλυψαν αυτά τα εγκλήματα κατά της ανθρωπότητας σε αυτή τη γη και οι δύο πλευρές επέτρεψαν μόνο να σκαφτούν οι μαζικοί τάφοι από την Κυπριακή Διερευνητική Επιτροπή Αγνοουμένων, αρκεί να μην αποδώσουν οποιαδήποτε «ευθύνη» σε κανέναν σε σχέση με αυτές τις μαζικές δολοφονίες...
Ως εκείνοι οι Κύπριοι που επιθυμούν την ειρήνη και τη συμφιλίωση αυτού του τόπου, πρέπει να πούμε την αλήθεια για αυτές τις μαζικές δολοφονίες, αφού τα ψέματα δεν μπορούν να μας προστατεύσουν και μόνο η αλήθεια θα μας απελευθερώσει και θα μας βοηθήσει να κατανοήσουμε και να δημιουργήσουμε συνθήκες όπου τέτοιες μαζικές δολοφονίες δεν θα είναι «ακαταλόγιστες» σε αυτόν τον τόπο...
Fotoğraflar… Muratağa'dan bir sınıf fotoğrafı… Fotoğrafta görünenlerden yalnızca öğretmen ve Şafak Nihat adlı çocuk hayatta kalmıştı… Bu fotoğrafta Hüseyin Rüstem Akansoy'un kardeşçikleri Erbay ve Mustafa da var… Onlar da katledilen çocuklar arasındaydı…
Bir diğer fotoğraf: Aileleri Galatya ve Muratağa'da öldürülen Hristina Pavlu Solomi Patça ve Hüseyin Akansoy, Muratağa toplu mezarında birlikte...
Galatya'da ikinci toplu mezar kazılırken, Hristina Pavlu Solomi Patça ve kazı ekibi lideri arkeolog Arzu ile birlikte toplu mezarın başında…
Ve bir diğer fotoğraf: Galatya'da ikinci toplu mezarda bulunan "kayıp" Kıbrılsırumlar – aralarında Hristina'nın babası ve erkek kardeşi de var…
Yazının Türkçe ve Rumca linkleri:
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Thursday, September 19, 2024
ARTICLE IN TURKISH, ENGLISH AND GREEK: Memories from “The English Halt”, Ermou and Chaghlayan…
"English Halt, Ermu ve Çağlayan'dan hatıralar..."
Sevgül Uludağ
Rahmetlik anneciğim vefat etmeden birkaç ay önce, bahçede gancellinin yanında annemin her zaman oturmayı sevdiği yerde oturup kahve içmiştik...
Aylardan Şubat sonu ya da Mart'tı, yıl 2005'ti... O yıl Şubat ayında havanın çok sıcak olduğunu hatırlarım... Annem gancellinin yanında, mandarin ağacımızın biraz ötesindeki bu noktada oturmayı severdi kışın çünkü rüzgar almayan bir yerdi, güneşin en fazla ısıttığı noktaydı...
Orada açılıp kapanan sandaliyelerimizde oturmuştuk... Kahve içip fallarımıza bakmıştık...
Rahmetlik anneciğim Türkan Uludağ, zaman zaman bana eski hatıralarından söz ederdi...
O gün de "English Halt" denen ve Mağusa'da bulunan bir bölgedeki evlerinden söz etmişti...
Ermu Caddesi'nden, oradaki evimizden, Çağlayan'daki bu evimizden...
O günlerde bir yazı kaleme almıştım, bu yazı 6 Mart 2005'te ALITHIA gazetesinde yer almıştı...
Rahmetlik annemi bu yazıyı kaleme aldıktan beş ay sonra, 23 Ağustos 2005'te kaybettim... Ağustos ayının ilk günlerinde aniden rahatsızlanıp hastaneye kaldırılmıştı... Ancak üç hafta dayanabilmişti...
Sevgili anneciğimin hatırasına, bu yazıyı siz okurlarımla da paylaşıyorum... Şöyle yazmıştım bundan 19 sene önce:
"... 'English Halt' yani "İngiliz Durağı" denen bir yerde bir evdi... Bu sözcükler bana David Lynch'in "Mulholland Drive" (Mulholland Yolu) adlı filmini hatırlatıyordu... Filmin içeriğiyle ilgili değildi bu anımsatma elbette, yalnızca o sözcükler ve onu söyleme biçimiydi bana bu filmin adını hatırlatan: "İngiliz Durağı"...1944 yılında bu ev tek başına, Mağusa'nın beş mil dışında, öylece duruyordu... Açık alanlar vardı, gözünüzün gördüü yer yer ovaydı ve Lefkoşa ile Mağusa arasında gidip gelen tren de işte tam burada duruyordu: Tam da "İngiliz Durağı"nda...
Annem Türkan ile babam Niyazi evlendiklerinde, Mağusa'da, limanın arkasında bir ev kiralamışlardı..."O eski evlerden biriydi" diye anlatıyor annem... "İki oda varıdı yukarıda, alt katta ise karşılıklı iki oda ve odalar arasında bir hol... Niyazi, Mağusa'da polisti. Polisin savcılık görevünü yapmaktaydı, "çavuş" idi, yakaladıkları suçluları mahkemeye çıkarıyordu – yani sarhoş olup rahatsızlık yaratanları, hırsızları ve bu gibi suçluları... Eşim Mağusa'da polis olduğu için orada yaşıyorduk... Ancak bir gün evin sahibi eşimi ziyaret etmiş ve onu, kendilerinin de bu eve gelip kalmaya ikna etmişti. Bir hizmetçileri vardı ve bu hizmetçinin ilk bebeğimiz İlkay'a bakmasına ve evde bize yardım etmesine söz vermişlerdi. Ev sahiplerinin gelip bizim onlardan kiralamış olduğumuz evde bizimle birlikte yaşamaya başlayacaklarını duyunca gerçekten bozulmuştum ama yapabileceğim bir şey yoktu..."
"Sonrasında bu evde ev sahipleriyle birlikte dayanılmaz olmuştu... Başka bir ev aramaya başlamıştık... Niyazi'nin polisteki komutanı Bay Hassabi ona "İngiliz Durağı"ndaki evi önerdi. Bu ev bir zamanlar bir hastaneydi, sonra bir takım hırsızlıklar olmuş ve evin kapıları ve pencereleri bile çalınmıştı. Ancak kira ödemeyecektik, hükümete aitti bu ev, böylece eve taşındık... Çalınmış olan pencereleri tahta plakalarla çakmışlardı... Kendinizi tümüyle yalnız hissedeceğiniz bir yerdi burası..."
"Çevrede başka hiçbir ev yoktu, yalnızca zaman zaman buradan geçen trenin sesini duyuyordunuz... Ve uzakta bir yerde bir Kıbrıslıermeni'ye ait bir çiftlik vardı, "Garabet'in Çiftliği" diyorduk buna. Bu çiftlikte pek çok Kıbrıslıtürk ve Kıbrıslırum çalışmaktaydı...Gün boyunca evde yalnız kalıyordum, bazan eşim Niyazi görev başında olduğunda geceleri de yalnız kalıyordum. Hiçbir şeyden korkmuyordum. Ancak bir gece bir ses duydum... Niyazi'nin çok kuvvetli bir el feneri vardı, bunu göreve çıktığında kullanırdı. Bir keresinde bu fener, onun hayatını kurtarmıştı... Birileri onu başka bir şahısla karıştırıp öldürmeye çalışmıştı, çok kötü yaralanmıştı ancak bu fener ölmesini engellemişti..."
"Bu el fenerini aldım ve pancurların arasından baktım, bir çift göz bana bakıyordu... Niyazi'yi öldürmeye gelmişti bir adam fakat ben avazım çıktığı kadar bağırmaya başlayınca korkmuş ve kaçmaya başlamıştı... Çizme, siyah pantolon ve siyah bir palto giyiyordu... Seneler sonra öğrenecektik ayrıntıları: E... adlı birisiydi, Lefkoşa'da arabacıkta kebap yapıp satıyordu. Pek çok kereler sarhoş olup sokaklarda bağırıp çağırdığı için tutuklanmıştı. Bir gün Niyazi onu mahkemeye çıkarmıştı ve kamu huzurunu bozduğu gerekçesiyle 5 lira ödemeye mahkum edilmişti. Bu adam o kadar sinirlenmişti ki Lefkoşa'ya geri döndüğünde evini vekalete vererek bir silah satın almıştı Niyazi'yi öldürmek için. Ve o gece evimize gelmişti, o beni, ben de onu korkuttuğum için kaçmıştı... Garabet'in Çiftliği'nde Kostaki, çığlıklarımı duymuş ve o da kuyuya inip saklanmıştı! Silahı bir çantada taşıyan bu adamı görmüş ancak karşısına çıkarsa kendisinin de öldürüleceğinden korkup saklanmıştı..."
"İşte böylece aniden, "İngiliz Durağı"ndaki bir ev benim için bir kabusa dönüşmüştü... Geceleri yalnız kalmıyordum... Ağlıyordum ve hastalanıyordum... Asaplarım o kadar bozulduydu ki bir gün intihar etmeyi bile düşündüydüm... İşte böylece 1945 yılında Lefkoşa'ya taşındık, önce Tahtagala Mahallesi'ne, sonra da Ermu Caddesi yakınında teyzemin bana verdiği eve..."
"Yıllar sonra 1958'de sana hamile olduğumda yeni çarşaflar satın almak için çarşıya gitmiştik. Niyazi bana E... adlı bu adamı gösterdi, arabacıkta kebap yapmaktaydı... Niyazi bana dönerek, "İngiliz Durağı'ndaki evimize gelen adam kimdi bilir min? İşte oydu" diye bu adamı işaret etti. Gidip ona vurmak istedim ancak eşim bana engel oldu, "Rahat bırak kendini... Layığını bulacak... Herkes eninde sonunda layığını bulur" dedi... Ona baktım ve gözleriyle saçlarından onu tanıdım...Bir gece gene sarhoş olup gene tutuklanmıştı ve hücresinde tirtir titriyordu... Niyazi ona acımış ve gardiyana iki battaniye getirmesini söylemişti. Sonrasında E... gardiyana, "Onu öldürmeye gittiğimi bilmez, üşüdüğüm için bana iki battaniye verir bu adam" demişti... Daha sonra gardiyan eşime bunu anlatmış ve böylece Niyazi'yi öldürmeye gelen şahsın o olduğunu öğrenmiştik..."
"Böylece Ermu Caddesi'nde yaşamaya başladık... Canlı bir yerdi, karma bir sokaktı – komşularımız da hem Kıbrıslıtürkler, hem de Kıbrıslırumlar'dı... Magis vardı, "Demirci" dediğimiz bir diğer Kıbrıslırum vardı... Bazı sandaliyeciler vardı ki bunlar Kıbrıs sandaliyeleri yaparlardı. Bir Kıbrıslıtürk aile vardı ve tek kızları, Kıbrıslırum sandaliyecilerden birine aşık olmuş ve hamile kalmıştı... Kızın babasının bu konudan hiç haberi yoktu... Bir gün kızının çığlıklarını duydu, kızı evde doğum yapıyordu! Neler olduğunu sorduğunda durumu anlattılar kendine, oracıkta yere yığılıp hastalandı..."Benim kızım evli bile değil, nasıl hamile olup çocuk doğurur..." diyordu. Annesi bir Kıbrıslıtürk, babası da bir Kıbrıslırum olan o çocuk ilerleyen yıllarda bir sendika lideri olacaktı, uzun boylu, zayıf, sarışın birisiydi... Bir başka komşumuz da bir Kıbrıslıtürk kadındı ve bir Kıbrıslırum adamla birlikte yaşamaktaydı... EOKA ve TMT harekete geçtiği zaman, Ermu Caddesi'nden ayrılmaya karar verdik. Sağlığım da çok iyi değildi, tüberkülöz olmuştum ve doktorumuz eşime, "Onu Lefkoşa'nın dışına, açık alanların bulduğu yerlere çıkar... Bahçeli bir yer olsun, nefes alabileceği bir yer" demişti..."
"Böylece Çağlayan'daki arsayı satın almıştık, Niyazi'nin maaşından her ay 7 lira taksit ödeyerek. Çağlayan'daki arsaya bir ev yaptık ve 1956 yılında bu eve taşındık... Çağlayan bölgesindeki eski, güzel evlerin çoğu Kıbrıslırum ustalar tarafından yapılmıştı, o nedenle bu kadar güzeldiler...Artık Çağlayan'daki evimizin güzel bir bahçesi vardı ve çiçekler, ağaçlar, sebzeler ekmeye girişebilecektim buraya...Mahallemizden .... adlı şahsı bilin... Nenesi bir Kıbrıslırum'du, bir Kıbrıslıtürk'e aşık olmuştu. Adı Melani idi... Mahallemizde bir işyeri sahibi olan bu Kıbrıslıtürk'ün her iki nenesi de Kıbrıslırum'du... O günlerde bu tür aşk hikayeleri olağandı ve pek çoğunu bilirim ben..."
Bahçede annemle oturup sohbet içiyor, fallarımıza bakıyor, Dalmaçyalı köpeğimizle oynuyoruz... Geçmişi konuşmak için bir alan yaratıyoruz – Lefkoşa eskiden nasıldı, "milliyetçilik" öncesinde Kıbrıslılar'ın ilişkileri nasıldı ve şimdi nasıl değişti bu ilişkiler... Benim henüz doğmamış olduğum yıllardan söz ediyoruz... Annem 87 yaşında, çok şey görmüş ve onun içgüdülerine güveniyorum... Bu nedenle birlikte onun hatıralarından söz ediyoruz, bunları Lefkoşa'nın geçmişte nasıl olduğu hakkında hiç bilgisi olmayan evlatlarımıza aktarmak için..."
Kaynak: "English Halt, Ermu ve Çağlayan'dan hatıralar..." - Sevgül Uludağ
*** Once upon a time life in Cyprus…
Memories from "The English Halt", Ermou and Chaghlayan…
Sevgul Uludag
Tel: 99 966518
It was either February or March back in 2005… We had sat down together with my mother at a spot that she preferred to sit, next to the gandjelli, near the tangerine tree… She liked to sit there in winter months since there was no breeze at this spot and it got a lot of sun… So we had sat in folding chairs, drinking coffee, reading our cups and talking about the past…
Sometimes my late mother Turkan Uludagh would talk about her memories from the past… That day, she had told me about her memories from "The English Halt" in Famagusta and her memories of the Ermou Street in Nicosia, as well as her memories of Chaghlayan…
I had written an article back in March 2005 then, without knowing that I would lose her after five months… At the beginning of August 2005 she would fall ill and we would take her to the hospital… She would only survive three weeks there and we would lose her 19 years ago on the 23rd of August 2005… In her memory, I want to share the article I had written in March 2005:
"…When they got married, my mother Turkan and my father Niyazi Uludagh had first rented a house in Famagusta, behind the port.
`It was one of those old houses` my mother explains, `There were two rooms upstairs and two rooms facing each other downstairs, between the rooms, a hall… Niyazi was a policeman in Famagusta. He was the persecutor for the police, he was a `chavush` and therefore he would bring to court the criminals they would catch – those who got drunk and disturbed the peace in public, the thieves and so on… That's why we were living in Famagusta… But then, one day the owner of the house visited Niyazi and convinced him to allow them to come and live in the same house with us. They had a maid and had promised to help look after our first baby, Ilkay and help in the house. When I heard the news that they were coming, I was really pissed off but couldn't do much… But then it became unbearable living in the same house with the owner."
"So we were looking for another house when Niyazi's chief at the police, Mr. Khassabi offered him the house at `The English Halt`. This house with five rooms was supposed to become a hospital but then there was a burglary when even the doors and windows were stolen! But we would pay no rent because it belonged to the government and we moved in… They had nailed wooden boards in place of the stolen windows when we moved in… It was a place where you felt completely lonely… There were no other houses around, only the passing train from time to time… And a farm, far off, that belonged to an Armenian Cypriot, `Garabet'in Chiftlighi' as we called it. Many Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots worked there…"
It was a house at `The English Halt`, a name reminding me of a David Lynch movie called `Mulholland Drive`… Nothing to do with the content of the movie of course, just the name and the way you say it: `The English Halt`.
Back in 1944, the house was standing alone, 5 miles outside Famagusta… Open spaces, fields as far as you can see and sometimes the train working between Nicosia and Famagusta would stop here: right at `The English Halt`.
My mother would continue to tell the story:
"I was staying alone in the house all day long and sometimes during the nights when Niyazi was on duty… I was not afraid of anything. But one night I heard a noise… Niyazi had a very strong flashlight that he used to carry when he was on duty… I took this flashlight and looked through the shutters and I saw a pair of eyes staring at me… A man had come to kill Niyazi but when I started shouting very loud, he got frightened and started running away… He was wearing boots, black trousers and a black coat… Years later, we would find out the details: his name was E… and was selling shish kebap (souvlakia) on a cart in Nicosia. Many times he got arrested for getting drunk and shouting in the streets. One day Niyazi had brought him to court and he had to pay 5 pounds for disturbing the peace and quiet in public. The guy got so angry that he went back to Nicosia, had his house mortgaged and got a gun to kill Niyazi. Then he came to our house that night but we both frightened each other so he ran off. In the `Garabet Chiftlighi` Costakis heard my cries and went inside the well to hide! He saw the guy carrying the pistol in a bag and was afraid he might get killed if he confronted him…"
"So all of a sudden the house at `The English Halt` became a place for horror for me… I did not want to stay alone at night… I was crying and getting sick… I even wanted to commit suicide one day… So that's how we moved to Nicosia in 1945 to the Tahtakala neighbourhood first, and then to the house that my auntie gave me as a present at the Ermou Street.
Years later when I was pregnant with you in 1958, we went to the market to buy new sheets. Niyazi showed me the man called E…, he was with a cart making kebap. Niyazi said, `You know the guy who came to our house at `The English Halt`? That's him!` I wanted to go and hit him but Niyazi said `Leave him alone… He will get what he deserves… In time, everyone gets what they deserve…` So I looked and saw the eyes and the hair and recognized him… One night he had got drunk and got arrested again and he was shivering in the cell… So Niyazi felt pity and ordered the guardian to bring two blankets. Later E… spoke to the guardian, saying `He does not know that I went to kill him and gives me two blankets not to feel the cold!` Later, the guardian told my husband the story and that's how we found out who he was…"
"And so our life at Ermou Street began… It was a lively area, a mixed street – our neighbours were both Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots… There was Magis and there was this Greek Cypriot whom we called `Demirdji`… There were some carpenters who made chairs… There was this Turkish Cypriot family whose single daughter fell in love with one of the Greek Cypriot carpenters and got pregnant… The father did not have a clue… One day he heard cries, she was delivering the baby in the house! He asked, and when they told him, he fell to the floor, getting sick…
`How can my daughter get pregnant, she's not even married!` he was saying… That boy whose mother was a Turkish Cypriot and the father a Greek Cypriot, later became a trade union leader, a tall, thin, blond guy… The other neighbour was a Turkish Cypriot woman living together with a Greek Cypriot…"
"When EOKA and TMT began, we decided to move out of Ermou Street… We built a house in Chaghlayan and moved here in 1956… Most of the old, beautiful houses in Chaghlayan were built by Greek Cypriot constructors, that's why they were so good… And now we had a beautiful garden in our house in Chaghlayan where I could plant lots of flowers and vegetables…
And do you know X in our mahalle? His grandmother was a Greek Cypriot woman who fell in love with a Turkish Cypriot. Her name was Melanie… Both his grandmothers were Greek Cypriots and they lived in our mahalle!
And do you remember XXX? Her grandmother was also a Greek Cypriot woman… During those times, love stories like these were common and I know many…"
We sit in the garden with my mother, drinking coffee, reading cups, playing with our dalmatian dog… We create a space to speak of the past – how Nicosia was in old times, how relations among the Cypriots were before the times of `nationalism`, how it has changed now… We speak of the times before I was born… She is 87, having seen a lot and I trust her intuition… That's why we search together memories of the past to retain for our kids who have no idea about how Nicosia had been in the past…"
Μια φορά κι έναν καιρό η ζωή στην Κύπρο...
Αναμνήσεις από το «English Halt», την οδό Ερμού και το Chaghlayan...
Sevgul Uludag
Τηλ: 99 966518
Ήταν Φεβρουάριος ή Μάρτιος του 2005... Είχαμε καθίσει μαζί με τη μητέρα μου σε ένα σημείο που της άρεσε να κάθεται, δίπλα στο καντζέλι, κοντά στη μανταρινιά... Της άρεσε να κάθεται εκεί τους χειμερινούς μήνες, αφού στο σημείο αυτό δεν φυσούσε αεράκι και είχε πολύ ήλιο... Είχαμε καθίσει λοιπόν σε πτυσσόμενες καρέκλες, πίνοντας καφέ, διαβάζοντας τα φλιτζάνια μας και μιλώντας για το παρελθόν...
Μερικές φορές η αείμνηστη μητέρα μου Turkan Uludagh μιλούσε για τις αναμνήσεις της από το παρελθόν... Εκείνη τη μέρα, μου είχε πει για τις αναμνήσεις της από το «English Halt» στην Αμμόχωστο, τις αναμνήσεις της από την οδό Ερμού στη Λευκωσία, καθώς και τις αναμνήσεις της από το Chaghlayan...
Τότε, το Μάρτιο του 2005, είχα γράψει ένα άρθρο, χωρίς να ήξερα ότι θα την έχανα μετά από πέντε μήνες... Στις αρχές Αυγούστου του 2005 αρρώστησε και την πήραμε στο νοσοκομείο... Επέζησε μόνο τρεις εβδομάδες εκεί και την χάσαμε πριν από 19 χρόνια, στις 23 Αυγούστου 2005... Θέλω να μοιραστώ στη μνήμη της το άρθρο που είχα γράψει τον Μάρτιο του 2005:
Σπίτια στη Αμμόχωστο και το English Halt…
«…Όταν παντρεύτηκαν, η μητέρα μου Turkan και ο πατέρας μου Niyazi Uludagh είχαν αρχικά νοικιάσει ένα σπίτι στην Αμμόχωστο, πίσω από το λιμάνι.
«Ήταν ένα από εκείνα τα παλιά σπίτια», μου εξηγεί η μητέρα μου, «Υπήρχαν δύο δωμάτια στον πάνω όροφο και δύο δωμάτια κάτω, το ένα απέναντι στο άλλο, και ένα ανάμεσα τους ένα χολ. O Niyazi ήταν αστυνομικός στην Αμμόχωστο. Ήταν ο εισαγγελέας της αστυνομίας, τσαούσης κι επομένως αυτός που οδηγούσε τους εγκληματίες στο δικαστήριο: αυτούς που μεθούσαν και διατάρασσαν την ησυχία σε δημόσιους χώρους, τους κλέφτες, κτλ. Γι αυτό ζούσαμε στην Αμμόχωστο. O ιδιοκτήτης, όμως, του σπιτιού ήρθε μια μέρα κι έπεισε τον Niyazi να του επιτρέψει να έρθει με την οικογένεια του να μείνουν στο ίδιο σπίτι μαζί μας. Είχαν μια υπηρέτρια και υποσχέθηκαν ότι θα βοηθούσαν στο σπίτι και με το πρώτο μας παιδί την Ilkay. Όταν άκουσα ότι θα ερχόντουσαν, θύμωσα πολύ, αλλά δεν μπορούσα να κάνω τίποτα. Αργότερα, όμως, δεν μπορούσαμε να ζούμε στο ίδιο σπίτι με τον ιδιοκτήτη.»
«Το English Halt…»
«Αρχίσαμε λοιπόν να ψάχνουμε για άλλο σπίτι, όταν ο αρχηγός της Αστυνομίας, ο κ. Xασάπης πρόσφερε στο Niyazi το σπίτι στο English Halt. Το σπίτι αυτό με πέντε δωμάτια θα γινόταν νοσοκομείο, όμως μετά από μια διάρρηξη και κλάπηκαν ακόμα και οι πόρτες και τα παράθυρα! Δεν πληρώναμε όμως ενοίκιο διότι ανήκε στην κυβέρνηση και μετακομίσαμε... Είχαν καρφώσει ξύλινες σανίδες στη θέση των κλεμμένων παραθύρων όταν μετακομίσαμε... Ήταν ένα μέρος όπου ένιωθες εντελώς μόνος... Δεν υπήρχαν άλλα σπίτια τριγύρω, μόνο το τρένο που περνούσε από καιρό σε καιρό... Και ένα αγρόκτημα, μακριά, που ανήκε σε έναν Αρμένιο Κύπριο, «το τσιφλίκι του Garabet» όπως το λέγαμε. Εκεί δούλευαν πολλοί Τουρκοκύπριοι και Ελληνοκύπριοι...»
Ήταν ένα σπίτι στο «English Halt», ένα όνομα που μου θυμίζει μια ταινία του David Lynch με τίτλο «Mulholland Drive»... Καμία σχέση με το περιεχόμενο της ταινίας φυσικά, μόνο το όνομα και ο τρόπος που το λες: «The English Halt».
Πίσω στο 1944, το σπίτι στεκόταν μόνο του, 5 μίλια έξω από την Αμμόχωστο... Ανοιχτοί χώροι, χωράφια μέχρι εκεί που μπορείς να δεις και μερικές φορές το τρένο που εκτελούσε δρομολόγια μεταξύ Λευκωσίας και Αμμοχώστου σταματούσε εδώ: ακριβώς στο «English Halt».
Η μητέρα μου συνέχισε να διηγείται την ιστορία:
Έμενα μόνη στο σπίτι όλη την ημέρα και κάποτε και τις νύχτες, όταν ο Niyazi ήταν σε υπηρεσία… Δεν φοβόμουνα. Μια νύχτα όμως άκουσα ένα θόρυβο. O Niyazi είχε ένα πολύ δυνατό φανάρι που χρησιμοποιούσε όταν ήταν σε υπηρεσία… Πήρα λοιπόν το φανάρι, κοίταξα από τα παντζούρια και είδα δύο μάτια να με κοιτάζουν... Ήρθε κάποιος να σκοτώσει το Niyazi, αλλά όταν άρχισα να φωνάζω δυνατά, φοβήθηκε κι άρχισε να τρέχει… Φορούσε μπότες, μαύρο παντελόνι και μαύρο παλτό... Χρόνια αργότερα, μάθαμε τις λεπτομέρειες: Το όνομα του ήταν Ε... και πουλούσε σουβλάκια σε ένα καρότσι στη Λευκωσία. Πολλές φορές συνελήφθη επειδή μεθούσε και φώναζε στους δρόμους. Μια μέρα ο Niyazi τον είχε οδηγήσει στο δικαστήριο και έπρεπε να πληρώσει 5 λίρες για διατάραξη της τάξης σε δημόσιο χώρο. Ο τύπος θύμωσε τόσο πολύ που επέστρεψε στη Λευκωσία, έβαλε υποθήκη το σπίτι του και πήρε ένα όπλο για να σκοτώσει τον Niyazi. Στη συνέχεια ήρθε στο σπίτι μας εκείνο το βράδυ, αλλά φοβηθήκαμε και οι δύο μας και έτσι έφυγε τρέχοντας. Στο «Τσιφκλίκι του Garabet» ο Κωστάκης άκουσε τις φωνές μου και μπήκε μέσα στο πηγάδι για να κρυφτεί! Είδε τον τύπο που κρατούσε το πιστόλι σε μια τσάντα και φοβήθηκε μήπως τον σκότωνε αν προσπαθούσε να τον αντιμετωπίσει…»
Μετακόμιση στη Λευκωσία…
«Έτσι ξαφνικά το σπίτι στο «English Halt» έγινε τόπος τρόμου για μένα... Δεν ήθελα να μένω μόνη μου τη νύχτα... Έκλαιγα και αρρώσταινα... Ήθελα ακόμα και να αυτοκτονήσω μια μέρα... Έτσι μετακομίσαμε στη Λευκωσία το 1945 πρώτα στη γειτονιά Ταχτακαλά και μετά στο σπίτι που μου δώρισε η θεία μου στην οδό Ερμού.
Χρόνια αργότερα, όταν ήμουν έγκυος σε σένα το 1958, πήγαμε στην αγορά για να αγοράσουμε καινούργια σεντόνια. Ο Niyazi μου έδειξε τον άνθρωπο που λεγόταν Ε..., με ένα καρότσι και έφτιαχνε σουβλάκια. Ο Niyazi είπε, «Ξέρεις τον τύπο που ερχόταν στο σπίτι μας στο «English Halt»; Αυτός είναι!» Ήθελα να πάω να τον χτυπήσω, αλλά ο Niyazi είπε: «Άφησέ τον ήσυχο... Θα πάρει αυτό που του αξίζει... Με τον καιρό, όλοι παίρνουν αυτό που τους αξίζει...» Έτσι τον κοίταξα και είδα τα μάτια και τα μαλλιά και τον αναγνώρισα... Ένα βράδυ είχε μεθύσει και τον συνέλαβαν πάλι και έτρεμε στο κελί... Έτσι ο Niyazi τον λυπήθηκε και διέταξε το δεσμοφύλακα να φέρει δύο κουβέρτες. Αργότερα ο Ε... είπε στο δεσμοφύλακα «Δεν ξέρει ότι πήγα να τον σκοτώσω και μου δίνει δύο κουβέρτες για να μην νιώσω το κρύο!» Αργότερα, ο δεσμοφύλακας διηγήθηκε στον άντρα μου την ιστορία και έτσι μάθαμε ποιος ήταν...».
Η ζωή στην οδό Ερμού…
«Και έτσι άρχισε η ζωή μας στην οδό Ερμού... Ήταν μια ζωντανή περιοχή, ένας μικτός δρόμος – οι γείτονες μας ήταν και Τουρκοκύπριοι και Ελληνοκύπριοι... Υπήρχε ο Μάκης και υπήρχε ένας Ελληνοκύπριος που τον λέγαμε «Demirdji»... Υπήρχαν κάποιοι ξυλουργοί που έφτιαχναν καρέκλες... Υπήρχε μια τουρκοκυπριακή οικογένεια της οποίας η ανύπαντρη κόρη ερωτεύτηκε έναν Ελληνοκύπριο ξυλουργό και έμεινε έγκυος... Ο πατέρας δεν είχε ιδέα... Μια μέρα άκουσε φωνές, γεννούσε το μωρό μέσα στο σπίτι! Ρώτησε, και όταν του είπαν, έπεσε στο πάτωμα, αρρωσταίνοντας...
«Πώς μπορεί η κόρη μου να μείνει έγκυος, δεν είναι καν παντρεμένη!» έλεγε... Το παιδί αυτό, του οποίου η μητέρα ήταν Τουρκοκύπρια και ο πατέρας Ελληνοκύπριος, έγινε αργότερα συνδικαλιστής ηγέτης, ένας ψηλός, αδύνατος, ξανθός νέος... Η άλλη γειτόνισσα ήταν μια Τουρκοκύπρια γυναίκα που συζούσε με έναν Ελληνοκύπριο...»
Μετακομίζοντας από την οδό Ερμού…
«Όταν άρχισε η ΕΟΚΑ και η ΤΜΤ, αποφασίσαμε να μετακομίσουμε από την οδό Ερμού... Χτίσαμε ένα σπίτι στο Chaghlayan και μετακομίσαμε εδώ το 1956... Τα περισσότερα από τα παλιά, όμορφα σπίτια στο Chaghlayan είχαν χτιστεί από Ελληνοκύπριους εργολάβους, γι αυτό και ήταν τόσο καλά... Και τώρα είχαμε ένα όμορφο κήπο στο σπίτι μας στο Chaghlayan όπου μπορούσα να φυτέψω πολλά λουλούδια και λαχανικά...
Και ξέρετε το Χ στο μαχαλά μας; Η γιαγιά του ήταν μια Ελληνοκύπρια που ερωτεύτηκε έναν Τουρκοκύπριο. Το όνομά της ήταν Μέλανη... Και οι δύο γιαγιάδες του ήταν Ελληνοκύπριες και ζούσαν στο μαχαλά μας!
Και θυμάσαι την ΧΧΧ; Η γιαγιά της ήταν επίσης Ελληνοκύπρια... Εκείνη την εποχή, τέτοιες ιστορίες αγάπης ήταν συνηθισμένες και ξέρω πολλές...»
Καθόμαστε στον κήπο με τη μητέρα μου, πίνουμε καφέ, διαβάζουμε φλιτζάνια, παίζουμε με το σκύλο Δαλματίας μας... Δημιουργούμε ένα χώρο για να μιλήσουμε για το παρελθόν – πως ήταν η Λευκωσία τα παλιά χρόνια, πως ήταν οι σχέσεις μεταξύ των Κυπρίων πριν από την εποχή του «εθνικισμού», πως άλλαξαν τώρα... Μιλούμε για την εποχή πριν γεννηθώ εγώ... Είναι 87 χρονών, έχει δει πολλά και εμπιστεύομαι τη διαίσθηση της... Γι αυτό αναζητούμε μαζί αναμνήσεις του παρελθόντος για να τις διατηρήσουμε για τα παιδιά μας που δεν έχουν ιδέα για το πως ήταν η Λευκωσία στο παρελθόν...».
My mother on the far right at the wedding of her brother Kazim Soyer with İsmet Hanım, on the far left my sister İlkay... I was not born yet when this photo was taken...
(Thanks to Aycan Mavigözlü Yükseliş for this precious photo that I had never seen)...
Other photos from the internet: Life in Ermou and when Ermou was being divided at the end of 1950s...
"English Halt, Ermu ve Çağlayan'dan hatıralar..."
Sevgül Uludağ
Rahmetlik anneciğim vefat etmeden birkaç ay önce, bahçede gancellinin yanında annemin her zaman oturmayı sevdiği yerde oturup kahve içmiştik...
Aylardan Şubat sonu ya da Mart'tı, yıl 2005'ti... O yıl Şubat ayında havanın çok sıcak olduğunu hatırlarım... Annem gancellinin yanında, mandarin ağacımızın biraz ötesindeki bu noktada oturmayı severdi kışın çünkü rüzgar almayan bir yerdi, güneşin en fazla ısıttığı noktaydı...
Orada açılıp kapanan sandaliyelerimizde oturmuştuk... Kahve içip fallarımıza bakmıştık...
Rahmetlik anneciğim Türkan Uludağ, zaman zaman bana eski hatıralarından söz ederdi...
O gün de "English Halt" denen ve Mağusa'da bulunan bir bölgedeki evlerinden söz etmişti...
Ermu Caddesi'nden, oradaki evimizden, Çağlayan'daki bu evimizden...
O günlerde bir yazı kaleme almıştım, bu yazı 6 Mart 2005'te ALITHIA gazetesinde yer almıştı...
Rahmetlik annemi bu yazıyı kaleme aldıktan beş ay sonra, 23 Ağustos 2005'te kaybettim... Ağustos ayının ilk günlerinde aniden rahatsızlanıp hastaneye kaldırılmıştı... Ancak üç hafta dayanabilmişti...
Sevgili anneciğimin hatırasına, bu yazıyı siz okurlarımla da paylaşıyorum... Şöyle yazmıştım bundan 19 sene önce:
"... 'English Halt' yani "İngiliz Durağı" denen bir yerde bir evdi... Bu sözcükler bana David Lynch'in "Mulholland Drive" (Mulholland Yolu) adlı filmini hatırlatıyordu... Filmin içeriğiyle ilgili değildi bu anımsatma elbette, yalnızca o sözcükler ve onu söyleme biçimiydi bana bu filmin adını hatırlatan: "İngiliz Durağı"...1944 yılında bu ev tek başına, Mağusa'nın beş mil dışında, öylece duruyordu... Açık alanlar vardı, gözünüzün gördüü yer yer ovaydı ve Lefkoşa ile Mağusa arasında gidip gelen tren de işte tam burada duruyordu: Tam da "İngiliz Durağı"nda...
Annem Türkan ile babam Niyazi evlendiklerinde, Mağusa'da, limanın arkasında bir ev kiralamışlardı..."O eski evlerden biriydi" diye anlatıyor annem... "İki oda varıdı yukarıda, alt katta ise karşılıklı iki oda ve odalar arasında bir hol... Niyazi, Mağusa'da polisti. Polisin savcılık görevünü yapmaktaydı, "çavuş" idi, yakaladıkları suçluları mahkemeye çıkarıyordu – yani sarhoş olup rahatsızlık yaratanları, hırsızları ve bu gibi suçluları... Eşim Mağusa'da polis olduğu için orada yaşıyorduk... Ancak bir gün evin sahibi eşimi ziyaret etmiş ve onu, kendilerinin de bu eve gelip kalmaya ikna etmişti. Bir hizmetçileri vardı ve bu hizmetçinin ilk bebeğimiz İlkay'a bakmasına ve evde bize yardım etmesine söz vermişlerdi. Ev sahiplerinin gelip bizim onlardan kiralamış olduğumuz evde bizimle birlikte yaşamaya başlayacaklarını duyunca gerçekten bozulmuştum ama yapabileceğim bir şey yoktu..."
"Sonrasında bu evde ev sahipleriyle birlikte dayanılmaz olmuştu... Başka bir ev aramaya başlamıştık... Niyazi'nin polisteki komutanı Bay Hassabi ona "İngiliz Durağı"ndaki evi önerdi. Bu ev bir zamanlar bir hastaneydi, sonra bir takım hırsızlıklar olmuş ve evin kapıları ve pencereleri bile çalınmıştı. Ancak kira ödemeyecektik, hükümete aitti bu ev, böylece eve taşındık... Çalınmış olan pencereleri tahta plakalarla çakmışlardı... Kendinizi tümüyle yalnız hissedeceğiniz bir yerdi burası..."
"Çevrede başka hiçbir ev yoktu, yalnızca zaman zaman buradan geçen trenin sesini duyuyordunuz... Ve uzakta bir yerde bir Kıbrıslıermeni'ye ait bir çiftlik vardı, "Garabet'in Çiftliği" diyorduk buna. Bu çiftlikte pek çok Kıbrıslıtürk ve Kıbrıslırum çalışmaktaydı...Gün boyunca evde yalnız kalıyordum, bazan eşim Niyazi görev başında olduğunda geceleri de yalnız kalıyordum. Hiçbir şeyden korkmuyordum. Ancak bir gece bir ses duydum... Niyazi'nin çok kuvvetli bir el feneri vardı, bunu göreve çıktığında kullanırdı. Bir keresinde bu fener, onun hayatını kurtarmıştı... Birileri onu başka bir şahısla karıştırıp öldürmeye çalışmıştı, çok kötü yaralanmıştı ancak bu fener ölmesini engellemişti..."
"Bu el fenerini aldım ve pancurların arasından baktım, bir çift göz bana bakıyordu... Niyazi'yi öldürmeye gelmişti bir adam fakat ben avazım çıktığı kadar bağırmaya başlayınca korkmuş ve kaçmaya başlamıştı... Çizme, siyah pantolon ve siyah bir palto giyiyordu... Seneler sonra öğrenecektik ayrıntıları: E... adlı birisiydi, Lefkoşa'da arabacıkta kebap yapıp satıyordu. Pek çok kereler sarhoş olup sokaklarda bağırıp çağırdığı için tutuklanmıştı. Bir gün Niyazi onu mahkemeye çıkarmıştı ve kamu huzurunu bozduğu gerekçesiyle 5 lira ödemeye mahkum edilmişti. Bu adam o kadar sinirlenmişti ki Lefkoşa'ya geri döndüğünde evini vekalete vererek bir silah satın almıştı Niyazi'yi öldürmek için. Ve o gece evimize gelmişti, o beni, ben de onu korkuttuğum için kaçmıştı... Garabet'in Çiftliği'nde Kostaki, çığlıklarımı duymuş ve o da kuyuya inip saklanmıştı! Silahı bir çantada taşıyan bu adamı görmüş ancak karşısına çıkarsa kendisinin de öldürüleceğinden korkup saklanmıştı..."
"İşte böylece aniden, "İngiliz Durağı"ndaki bir ev benim için bir kabusa dönüşmüştü... Geceleri yalnız kalmıyordum... Ağlıyordum ve hastalanıyordum... Asaplarım o kadar bozulduydu ki bir gün intihar etmeyi bile düşündüydüm... İşte böylece 1945 yılında Lefkoşa'ya taşındık, önce Tahtagala Mahallesi'ne, sonra da Ermu Caddesi yakınında teyzemin bana verdiği eve..."
"Yıllar sonra 1958'de sana hamile olduğumda yeni çarşaflar satın almak için çarşıya gitmiştik. Niyazi bana E... adlı bu adamı gösterdi, arabacıkta kebap yapmaktaydı... Niyazi bana dönerek, "İngiliz Durağı'ndaki evimize gelen adam kimdi bilir min? İşte oydu" diye bu adamı işaret etti. Gidip ona vurmak istedim ancak eşim bana engel oldu, "Rahat bırak kendini... Layığını bulacak... Herkes eninde sonunda layığını bulur" dedi... Ona baktım ve gözleriyle saçlarından onu tanıdım...Bir gece gene sarhoş olup gene tutuklanmıştı ve hücresinde tirtir titriyordu... Niyazi ona acımış ve gardiyana iki battaniye getirmesini söylemişti. Sonrasında E... gardiyana, "Onu öldürmeye gittiğimi bilmez, üşüdüğüm için bana iki battaniye verir bu adam" demişti... Daha sonra gardiyan eşime bunu anlatmış ve böylece Niyazi'yi öldürmeye gelen şahsın o olduğunu öğrenmiştik..."
"Böylece Ermu Caddesi'nde yaşamaya başladık... Canlı bir yerdi, karma bir sokaktı – komşularımız da hem Kıbrıslıtürkler, hem de Kıbrıslırumlar'dı... Magis vardı, "Demirci" dediğimiz bir diğer Kıbrıslırum vardı... Bazı sandaliyeciler vardı ki bunlar Kıbrıs sandaliyeleri yaparlardı. Bir Kıbrıslıtürk aile vardı ve tek kızları, Kıbrıslırum sandaliyecilerden birine aşık olmuş ve hamile kalmıştı... Kızın babasının bu konudan hiç haberi yoktu... Bir gün kızının çığlıklarını duydu, kızı evde doğum yapıyordu! Neler olduğunu sorduğunda durumu anlattılar kendine, oracıkta yere yığılıp hastalandı..."Benim kızım evli bile değil, nasıl hamile olup çocuk doğurur..." diyordu. Annesi bir Kıbrıslıtürk, babası da bir Kıbrıslırum olan o çocuk ilerleyen yıllarda bir sendika lideri olacaktı, uzun boylu, zayıf, sarışın birisiydi... Bir başka komşumuz da bir Kıbrıslıtürk kadındı ve bir Kıbrıslırum adamla birlikte yaşamaktaydı... EOKA ve TMT harekete geçtiği zaman, Ermu Caddesi'nden ayrılmaya karar verdik. Sağlığım da çok iyi değildi, tüberkülöz olmuştum ve doktorumuz eşime, "Onu Lefkoşa'nın dışına, açık alanların bulduğu yerlere çıkar... Bahçeli bir yer olsun, nefes alabileceği bir yer" demişti..."
"Böylece Çağlayan'daki arsayı satın almıştık, Niyazi'nin maaşından her ay 7 lira taksit ödeyerek. Çağlayan'daki arsaya bir ev yaptık ve 1956 yılında bu eve taşındık... Çağlayan bölgesindeki eski, güzel evlerin çoğu Kıbrıslırum ustalar tarafından yapılmıştı, o nedenle bu kadar güzeldiler...Artık Çağlayan'daki evimizin güzel bir bahçesi vardı ve çiçekler, ağaçlar, sebzeler ekmeye girişebilecektim buraya...Mahallemizden .... adlı şahsı bilin... Nenesi bir Kıbrıslırum'du, bir Kıbrıslıtürk'e aşık olmuştu. Adı Melani idi... Mahallemizde bir işyeri sahibi olan bu Kıbrıslıtürk'ün her iki nenesi de Kıbrıslırum'du... O günlerde bu tür aşk hikayeleri olağandı ve pek çoğunu bilirim ben..."
Bahçede annemle oturup sohbet içiyor, fallarımıza bakıyor, Dalmaçyalı köpeğimizle oynuyoruz... Geçmişi konuşmak için bir alan yaratıyoruz – Lefkoşa eskiden nasıldı, "milliyetçilik" öncesinde Kıbrıslılar'ın ilişkileri nasıldı ve şimdi nasıl değişti bu ilişkiler... Benim henüz doğmamış olduğum yıllardan söz ediyoruz... Annem 87 yaşında, çok şey görmüş ve onun içgüdülerine güveniyorum... Bu nedenle birlikte onun hatıralarından söz ediyoruz, bunları Lefkoşa'nın geçmişte nasıl olduğu hakkında hiç bilgisi olmayan evlatlarımıza aktarmak için..."
Kaynak: "English Halt, Ermu ve Çağlayan'dan hatıralar..." - Sevgül Uludağ
*** Once upon a time life in Cyprus…
Memories from "The English Halt", Ermou and Chaghlayan…
Sevgul Uludag
Tel: 99 966518
It was either February or March back in 2005… We had sat down together with my mother at a spot that she preferred to sit, next to the gandjelli, near the tangerine tree… She liked to sit there in winter months since there was no breeze at this spot and it got a lot of sun… So we had sat in folding chairs, drinking coffee, reading our cups and talking about the past…
Sometimes my late mother Turkan Uludagh would talk about her memories from the past… That day, she had told me about her memories from "The English Halt" in Famagusta and her memories of the Ermou Street in Nicosia, as well as her memories of Chaghlayan…
I had written an article back in March 2005 then, without knowing that I would lose her after five months… At the beginning of August 2005 she would fall ill and we would take her to the hospital… She would only survive three weeks there and we would lose her 19 years ago on the 23rd of August 2005… In her memory, I want to share the article I had written in March 2005:
"…When they got married, my mother Turkan and my father Niyazi Uludagh had first rented a house in Famagusta, behind the port.
`It was one of those old houses` my mother explains, `There were two rooms upstairs and two rooms facing each other downstairs, between the rooms, a hall… Niyazi was a policeman in Famagusta. He was the persecutor for the police, he was a `chavush` and therefore he would bring to court the criminals they would catch – those who got drunk and disturbed the peace in public, the thieves and so on… That's why we were living in Famagusta… But then, one day the owner of the house visited Niyazi and convinced him to allow them to come and live in the same house with us. They had a maid and had promised to help look after our first baby, Ilkay and help in the house. When I heard the news that they were coming, I was really pissed off but couldn't do much… But then it became unbearable living in the same house with the owner."
"So we were looking for another house when Niyazi's chief at the police, Mr. Khassabi offered him the house at `The English Halt`. This house with five rooms was supposed to become a hospital but then there was a burglary when even the doors and windows were stolen! But we would pay no rent because it belonged to the government and we moved in… They had nailed wooden boards in place of the stolen windows when we moved in… It was a place where you felt completely lonely… There were no other houses around, only the passing train from time to time… And a farm, far off, that belonged to an Armenian Cypriot, `Garabet'in Chiftlighi' as we called it. Many Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots worked there…"
It was a house at `The English Halt`, a name reminding me of a David Lynch movie called `Mulholland Drive`… Nothing to do with the content of the movie of course, just the name and the way you say it: `The English Halt`.
Back in 1944, the house was standing alone, 5 miles outside Famagusta… Open spaces, fields as far as you can see and sometimes the train working between Nicosia and Famagusta would stop here: right at `The English Halt`.
My mother would continue to tell the story:
"I was staying alone in the house all day long and sometimes during the nights when Niyazi was on duty… I was not afraid of anything. But one night I heard a noise… Niyazi had a very strong flashlight that he used to carry when he was on duty… I took this flashlight and looked through the shutters and I saw a pair of eyes staring at me… A man had come to kill Niyazi but when I started shouting very loud, he got frightened and started running away… He was wearing boots, black trousers and a black coat… Years later, we would find out the details: his name was E… and was selling shish kebap (souvlakia) on a cart in Nicosia. Many times he got arrested for getting drunk and shouting in the streets. One day Niyazi had brought him to court and he had to pay 5 pounds for disturbing the peace and quiet in public. The guy got so angry that he went back to Nicosia, had his house mortgaged and got a gun to kill Niyazi. Then he came to our house that night but we both frightened each other so he ran off. In the `Garabet Chiftlighi` Costakis heard my cries and went inside the well to hide! He saw the guy carrying the pistol in a bag and was afraid he might get killed if he confronted him…"
"So all of a sudden the house at `The English Halt` became a place for horror for me… I did not want to stay alone at night… I was crying and getting sick… I even wanted to commit suicide one day… So that's how we moved to Nicosia in 1945 to the Tahtakala neighbourhood first, and then to the house that my auntie gave me as a present at the Ermou Street.
Years later when I was pregnant with you in 1958, we went to the market to buy new sheets. Niyazi showed me the man called E…, he was with a cart making kebap. Niyazi said, `You know the guy who came to our house at `The English Halt`? That's him!` I wanted to go and hit him but Niyazi said `Leave him alone… He will get what he deserves… In time, everyone gets what they deserve…` So I looked and saw the eyes and the hair and recognized him… One night he had got drunk and got arrested again and he was shivering in the cell… So Niyazi felt pity and ordered the guardian to bring two blankets. Later E… spoke to the guardian, saying `He does not know that I went to kill him and gives me two blankets not to feel the cold!` Later, the guardian told my husband the story and that's how we found out who he was…"
"And so our life at Ermou Street began… It was a lively area, a mixed street – our neighbours were both Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots… There was Magis and there was this Greek Cypriot whom we called `Demirdji`… There were some carpenters who made chairs… There was this Turkish Cypriot family whose single daughter fell in love with one of the Greek Cypriot carpenters and got pregnant… The father did not have a clue… One day he heard cries, she was delivering the baby in the house! He asked, and when they told him, he fell to the floor, getting sick…
`How can my daughter get pregnant, she's not even married!` he was saying… That boy whose mother was a Turkish Cypriot and the father a Greek Cypriot, later became a trade union leader, a tall, thin, blond guy… The other neighbour was a Turkish Cypriot woman living together with a Greek Cypriot…"
"When EOKA and TMT began, we decided to move out of Ermou Street… We built a house in Chaghlayan and moved here in 1956… Most of the old, beautiful houses in Chaghlayan were built by Greek Cypriot constructors, that's why they were so good… And now we had a beautiful garden in our house in Chaghlayan where I could plant lots of flowers and vegetables…
And do you know X in our mahalle? His grandmother was a Greek Cypriot woman who fell in love with a Turkish Cypriot. Her name was Melanie… Both his grandmothers were Greek Cypriots and they lived in our mahalle!
And do you remember XXX? Her grandmother was also a Greek Cypriot woman… During those times, love stories like these were common and I know many…"
We sit in the garden with my mother, drinking coffee, reading cups, playing with our dalmatian dog… We create a space to speak of the past – how Nicosia was in old times, how relations among the Cypriots were before the times of `nationalism`, how it has changed now… We speak of the times before I was born… She is 87, having seen a lot and I trust her intuition… That's why we search together memories of the past to retain for our kids who have no idea about how Nicosia had been in the past…"
Μια φορά κι έναν καιρό η ζωή στην Κύπρο...
Αναμνήσεις από το «English Halt», την οδό Ερμού και το Chaghlayan...
Sevgul Uludag
Τηλ: 99 966518
Ήταν Φεβρουάριος ή Μάρτιος του 2005... Είχαμε καθίσει μαζί με τη μητέρα μου σε ένα σημείο που της άρεσε να κάθεται, δίπλα στο καντζέλι, κοντά στη μανταρινιά... Της άρεσε να κάθεται εκεί τους χειμερινούς μήνες, αφού στο σημείο αυτό δεν φυσούσε αεράκι και είχε πολύ ήλιο... Είχαμε καθίσει λοιπόν σε πτυσσόμενες καρέκλες, πίνοντας καφέ, διαβάζοντας τα φλιτζάνια μας και μιλώντας για το παρελθόν...
Μερικές φορές η αείμνηστη μητέρα μου Turkan Uludagh μιλούσε για τις αναμνήσεις της από το παρελθόν... Εκείνη τη μέρα, μου είχε πει για τις αναμνήσεις της από το «English Halt» στην Αμμόχωστο, τις αναμνήσεις της από την οδό Ερμού στη Λευκωσία, καθώς και τις αναμνήσεις της από το Chaghlayan...
Τότε, το Μάρτιο του 2005, είχα γράψει ένα άρθρο, χωρίς να ήξερα ότι θα την έχανα μετά από πέντε μήνες... Στις αρχές Αυγούστου του 2005 αρρώστησε και την πήραμε στο νοσοκομείο... Επέζησε μόνο τρεις εβδομάδες εκεί και την χάσαμε πριν από 19 χρόνια, στις 23 Αυγούστου 2005... Θέλω να μοιραστώ στη μνήμη της το άρθρο που είχα γράψει τον Μάρτιο του 2005:
Σπίτια στη Αμμόχωστο και το English Halt…
«…Όταν παντρεύτηκαν, η μητέρα μου Turkan και ο πατέρας μου Niyazi Uludagh είχαν αρχικά νοικιάσει ένα σπίτι στην Αμμόχωστο, πίσω από το λιμάνι.
«Ήταν ένα από εκείνα τα παλιά σπίτια», μου εξηγεί η μητέρα μου, «Υπήρχαν δύο δωμάτια στον πάνω όροφο και δύο δωμάτια κάτω, το ένα απέναντι στο άλλο, και ένα ανάμεσα τους ένα χολ. O Niyazi ήταν αστυνομικός στην Αμμόχωστο. Ήταν ο εισαγγελέας της αστυνομίας, τσαούσης κι επομένως αυτός που οδηγούσε τους εγκληματίες στο δικαστήριο: αυτούς που μεθούσαν και διατάρασσαν την ησυχία σε δημόσιους χώρους, τους κλέφτες, κτλ. Γι αυτό ζούσαμε στην Αμμόχωστο. O ιδιοκτήτης, όμως, του σπιτιού ήρθε μια μέρα κι έπεισε τον Niyazi να του επιτρέψει να έρθει με την οικογένεια του να μείνουν στο ίδιο σπίτι μαζί μας. Είχαν μια υπηρέτρια και υποσχέθηκαν ότι θα βοηθούσαν στο σπίτι και με το πρώτο μας παιδί την Ilkay. Όταν άκουσα ότι θα ερχόντουσαν, θύμωσα πολύ, αλλά δεν μπορούσα να κάνω τίποτα. Αργότερα, όμως, δεν μπορούσαμε να ζούμε στο ίδιο σπίτι με τον ιδιοκτήτη.»
«Το English Halt…»
«Αρχίσαμε λοιπόν να ψάχνουμε για άλλο σπίτι, όταν ο αρχηγός της Αστυνομίας, ο κ. Xασάπης πρόσφερε στο Niyazi το σπίτι στο English Halt. Το σπίτι αυτό με πέντε δωμάτια θα γινόταν νοσοκομείο, όμως μετά από μια διάρρηξη και κλάπηκαν ακόμα και οι πόρτες και τα παράθυρα! Δεν πληρώναμε όμως ενοίκιο διότι ανήκε στην κυβέρνηση και μετακομίσαμε... Είχαν καρφώσει ξύλινες σανίδες στη θέση των κλεμμένων παραθύρων όταν μετακομίσαμε... Ήταν ένα μέρος όπου ένιωθες εντελώς μόνος... Δεν υπήρχαν άλλα σπίτια τριγύρω, μόνο το τρένο που περνούσε από καιρό σε καιρό... Και ένα αγρόκτημα, μακριά, που ανήκε σε έναν Αρμένιο Κύπριο, «το τσιφλίκι του Garabet» όπως το λέγαμε. Εκεί δούλευαν πολλοί Τουρκοκύπριοι και Ελληνοκύπριοι...»
Ήταν ένα σπίτι στο «English Halt», ένα όνομα που μου θυμίζει μια ταινία του David Lynch με τίτλο «Mulholland Drive»... Καμία σχέση με το περιεχόμενο της ταινίας φυσικά, μόνο το όνομα και ο τρόπος που το λες: «The English Halt».
Πίσω στο 1944, το σπίτι στεκόταν μόνο του, 5 μίλια έξω από την Αμμόχωστο... Ανοιχτοί χώροι, χωράφια μέχρι εκεί που μπορείς να δεις και μερικές φορές το τρένο που εκτελούσε δρομολόγια μεταξύ Λευκωσίας και Αμμοχώστου σταματούσε εδώ: ακριβώς στο «English Halt».
Η μητέρα μου συνέχισε να διηγείται την ιστορία:
Έμενα μόνη στο σπίτι όλη την ημέρα και κάποτε και τις νύχτες, όταν ο Niyazi ήταν σε υπηρεσία… Δεν φοβόμουνα. Μια νύχτα όμως άκουσα ένα θόρυβο. O Niyazi είχε ένα πολύ δυνατό φανάρι που χρησιμοποιούσε όταν ήταν σε υπηρεσία… Πήρα λοιπόν το φανάρι, κοίταξα από τα παντζούρια και είδα δύο μάτια να με κοιτάζουν... Ήρθε κάποιος να σκοτώσει το Niyazi, αλλά όταν άρχισα να φωνάζω δυνατά, φοβήθηκε κι άρχισε να τρέχει… Φορούσε μπότες, μαύρο παντελόνι και μαύρο παλτό... Χρόνια αργότερα, μάθαμε τις λεπτομέρειες: Το όνομα του ήταν Ε... και πουλούσε σουβλάκια σε ένα καρότσι στη Λευκωσία. Πολλές φορές συνελήφθη επειδή μεθούσε και φώναζε στους δρόμους. Μια μέρα ο Niyazi τον είχε οδηγήσει στο δικαστήριο και έπρεπε να πληρώσει 5 λίρες για διατάραξη της τάξης σε δημόσιο χώρο. Ο τύπος θύμωσε τόσο πολύ που επέστρεψε στη Λευκωσία, έβαλε υποθήκη το σπίτι του και πήρε ένα όπλο για να σκοτώσει τον Niyazi. Στη συνέχεια ήρθε στο σπίτι μας εκείνο το βράδυ, αλλά φοβηθήκαμε και οι δύο μας και έτσι έφυγε τρέχοντας. Στο «Τσιφκλίκι του Garabet» ο Κωστάκης άκουσε τις φωνές μου και μπήκε μέσα στο πηγάδι για να κρυφτεί! Είδε τον τύπο που κρατούσε το πιστόλι σε μια τσάντα και φοβήθηκε μήπως τον σκότωνε αν προσπαθούσε να τον αντιμετωπίσει…»
Μετακόμιση στη Λευκωσία…
«Έτσι ξαφνικά το σπίτι στο «English Halt» έγινε τόπος τρόμου για μένα... Δεν ήθελα να μένω μόνη μου τη νύχτα... Έκλαιγα και αρρώσταινα... Ήθελα ακόμα και να αυτοκτονήσω μια μέρα... Έτσι μετακομίσαμε στη Λευκωσία το 1945 πρώτα στη γειτονιά Ταχτακαλά και μετά στο σπίτι που μου δώρισε η θεία μου στην οδό Ερμού.
Χρόνια αργότερα, όταν ήμουν έγκυος σε σένα το 1958, πήγαμε στην αγορά για να αγοράσουμε καινούργια σεντόνια. Ο Niyazi μου έδειξε τον άνθρωπο που λεγόταν Ε..., με ένα καρότσι και έφτιαχνε σουβλάκια. Ο Niyazi είπε, «Ξέρεις τον τύπο που ερχόταν στο σπίτι μας στο «English Halt»; Αυτός είναι!» Ήθελα να πάω να τον χτυπήσω, αλλά ο Niyazi είπε: «Άφησέ τον ήσυχο... Θα πάρει αυτό που του αξίζει... Με τον καιρό, όλοι παίρνουν αυτό που τους αξίζει...» Έτσι τον κοίταξα και είδα τα μάτια και τα μαλλιά και τον αναγνώρισα... Ένα βράδυ είχε μεθύσει και τον συνέλαβαν πάλι και έτρεμε στο κελί... Έτσι ο Niyazi τον λυπήθηκε και διέταξε το δεσμοφύλακα να φέρει δύο κουβέρτες. Αργότερα ο Ε... είπε στο δεσμοφύλακα «Δεν ξέρει ότι πήγα να τον σκοτώσω και μου δίνει δύο κουβέρτες για να μην νιώσω το κρύο!» Αργότερα, ο δεσμοφύλακας διηγήθηκε στον άντρα μου την ιστορία και έτσι μάθαμε ποιος ήταν...».
Η ζωή στην οδό Ερμού…
«Και έτσι άρχισε η ζωή μας στην οδό Ερμού... Ήταν μια ζωντανή περιοχή, ένας μικτός δρόμος – οι γείτονες μας ήταν και Τουρκοκύπριοι και Ελληνοκύπριοι... Υπήρχε ο Μάκης και υπήρχε ένας Ελληνοκύπριος που τον λέγαμε «Demirdji»... Υπήρχαν κάποιοι ξυλουργοί που έφτιαχναν καρέκλες... Υπήρχε μια τουρκοκυπριακή οικογένεια της οποίας η ανύπαντρη κόρη ερωτεύτηκε έναν Ελληνοκύπριο ξυλουργό και έμεινε έγκυος... Ο πατέρας δεν είχε ιδέα... Μια μέρα άκουσε φωνές, γεννούσε το μωρό μέσα στο σπίτι! Ρώτησε, και όταν του είπαν, έπεσε στο πάτωμα, αρρωσταίνοντας...
«Πώς μπορεί η κόρη μου να μείνει έγκυος, δεν είναι καν παντρεμένη!» έλεγε... Το παιδί αυτό, του οποίου η μητέρα ήταν Τουρκοκύπρια και ο πατέρας Ελληνοκύπριος, έγινε αργότερα συνδικαλιστής ηγέτης, ένας ψηλός, αδύνατος, ξανθός νέος... Η άλλη γειτόνισσα ήταν μια Τουρκοκύπρια γυναίκα που συζούσε με έναν Ελληνοκύπριο...»
Μετακομίζοντας από την οδό Ερμού…
«Όταν άρχισε η ΕΟΚΑ και η ΤΜΤ, αποφασίσαμε να μετακομίσουμε από την οδό Ερμού... Χτίσαμε ένα σπίτι στο Chaghlayan και μετακομίσαμε εδώ το 1956... Τα περισσότερα από τα παλιά, όμορφα σπίτια στο Chaghlayan είχαν χτιστεί από Ελληνοκύπριους εργολάβους, γι αυτό και ήταν τόσο καλά... Και τώρα είχαμε ένα όμορφο κήπο στο σπίτι μας στο Chaghlayan όπου μπορούσα να φυτέψω πολλά λουλούδια και λαχανικά...
Και ξέρετε το Χ στο μαχαλά μας; Η γιαγιά του ήταν μια Ελληνοκύπρια που ερωτεύτηκε έναν Τουρκοκύπριο. Το όνομά της ήταν Μέλανη... Και οι δύο γιαγιάδες του ήταν Ελληνοκύπριες και ζούσαν στο μαχαλά μας!
Και θυμάσαι την ΧΧΧ; Η γιαγιά της ήταν επίσης Ελληνοκύπρια... Εκείνη την εποχή, τέτοιες ιστορίες αγάπης ήταν συνηθισμένες και ξέρω πολλές...»
Καθόμαστε στον κήπο με τη μητέρα μου, πίνουμε καφέ, διαβάζουμε φλιτζάνια, παίζουμε με το σκύλο Δαλματίας μας... Δημιουργούμε ένα χώρο για να μιλήσουμε για το παρελθόν – πως ήταν η Λευκωσία τα παλιά χρόνια, πως ήταν οι σχέσεις μεταξύ των Κυπρίων πριν από την εποχή του «εθνικισμού», πως άλλαξαν τώρα... Μιλούμε για την εποχή πριν γεννηθώ εγώ... Είναι 87 χρονών, έχει δει πολλά και εμπιστεύομαι τη διαίσθηση της... Γι αυτό αναζητούμε μαζί αναμνήσεις του παρελθόντος για να τις διατηρήσουμε για τα παιδιά μας που δεν έχουν ιδέα για το πως ήταν η Λευκωσία στο παρελθόν...».
My mother on the far right at the wedding of her brother Kazim Soyer with İsmet Hanım, on the far left my sister İlkay... I was not born yet when this photo was taken...
(Thanks to Aycan Mavigözlü Yükseliş for this precious photo that I had never seen)...
Other photos from the internet: Life in Ermou and when Ermou was being divided at the end of 1950s...
Sunday, July 7, 2024
*** "The sharks" are those who make money, gain benefits like "power", "status", "trips abroad" and "recognition" for something that they don't actually deserve since they never worked for it…
"The sharks of Cyprus…"
Sevgul Uludag
Tel: 00 357 99 966518
00 90 542 853 8436
"They are like sharks", Kallis would say, with a movement of his hand, expressing the way the sharks would manoeuvre to the left and to the right…
"They smell money and they come" he would continue…
"The sharks" he meant were those who made money, who gained benefits like "power", "status", "trips abroad", "recognition" for something that they did not actually deserve since they would not put any real effort in what they were supposed to do…
"The sharks" Kallis was talking about were everywhere: Not just in official committees, in government offices, in semi-governmental positions but also in various "civil society organisations" who were meant to "represent" those who needed a voice in humanitarian issues…
There were so many examples around us and they kept popping up… But Kallis with just a look and a few sentences with any "probable suspects" would have a sure idea about what that person was actually after…
"He is a shark, be careful" he would warn me… "See, such people act very "clever" and wherever there is "power", they would smell it and go and look as though they are "friends" with this or that person… They would try to have connections with everyone in case they need it in the future…"
They would not only use the issue of "missing persons" but also the actual "Cyprus problem" in order to gain "benefits" and become a sort of an "insider"… Such persons whom we knew very well would become like leeches around the diplomatic community in Cyprus, they would hang around the UN and UNDP and EU and they would be present in every single activity, every single cocktail party, every single reception – they would be the ones who would "advise" the foreigners in Cyprus about this or that issue, they would be the ones to "take care" of their "needs" to try to show that they were doing something "meaningful" in Cyprus… They would be the ones providing "services" in this uncanny way to the foreign diplomatic community in Cyprus – including the UN and EU and whoever concerned – so that such foreign communities would have something "nice" on their reports to show to the outside and this would also help them to climb up the diplomatic ladder and whatever that was concerned in order to gain something…
Such people would arrange seminars, interviews, podcasts, workshops and whatever was "needed" by the UN and the other foreign communities who had to show that they were doing something meaningful in this partitioned island… Kallis would say "This is an industry!" about their "activities"…
Sure, it would not hurt to have peace activities on this island but who is actually involved in such activities? Who do they actually represent?
For instance trade unions from both parts of the island who have been cooperating since the late 1970s have completely been excluded from such UN and foreign diplomatic communities' activities…
Those NGOs who did NOT take any "funding" from such circles but did activities on their own, without depending on outside funding would NEVER be invited to these receptions or seminars and their voice would practically be "killed" at the doorstep of the "buffer zone" where such activities took part… Even when such NGOs and trade unions who formed a broad front invited them, it would be extremely rare for them to even "show up" even for an event… Because what is there to boast about in your reports if you haven't actually funded them and show them as "progress" or "action for peace"?
A very interesting case was that of a woman who had never been involved in any sort of bicommunal activity in all of her life… She had been busy making a career, teaching and progressing in a higher educational institute… And a time came when she would become an advisor to a politician at the highest level… And after he was gone, she would continue to do "funded bicommunal activities" with the full support of the foreign diplomatic community on the island of Cyprus… Noone would question the integrity, the past and the lucrative funding she had been receiving in order to hold such "activities for peace"… This was the very tragic face of Cyprus, allowing those who would only do "peace activities" if only there would be "funding for it". No funding, then no peace activities… She is not the sole example, there are many similar examples…
Another such a "shark" was actually another person who had written very ugly articles under a pseudonym when checkpoints had been opened. She had a column with a pseudonym in a right-wing newspaper and when the checkpoints opened back in 2003, she wrote some articles claiming that all those Turkish Cypriot women who went to cross to the southern part of the island were actually going there in order to "prostitute themselves", putting on nice dresses and make-up etc. Some Turkish Cypriot women NGOs protested her articles and her column was terminated but did she stop? Of course she did not… Some years later, when the EU was doing some activities in the northern part of our island, they would choose her place to do such activities. When some of the organisers of the EU were told of her "murky past", accusing the Turkish Cypriot women who crossed to the southern part of the island as "prostitutes", the organisers said "they did not know" but continued to hold their activities in her place… Again, she is not the only example of having "benefits" since those involved with giving out "funding", would not bother to check out the "integrity" or "honesty" of such "receivers"…
Another "shark" would set up several "associations" in order to get EU funding to do "research" and "work" on various areas about the "conflict"… We knew her well – it was not just about the "money" and the "funding" – she didn't actually need it – but those who get most funding are the ones who don't actually need it, it is more about "power" and using that power for their own needs and concerns…
Throughout the years, we came across many sharks, not just on "humanitarian issues" or the "Cyprus conflict" but in any other area you can think of… Kallis called some of them "the fireworks"… "See, they would spark up and make a great show like fireworks, mesmerizing you but in the end, nothing will remain… Beware of fireworks" he would say to me…
Once he challenged one such "fireworks person" as he named him… He said, "Why don't you go and do this and this? Write this letter to the UN, do this research in this office etc.?" and as he predicted nothing came out of it… He would disappear after some time from the scene since he could not "benefit" from what we were doing on the humanitarian issue of "missing persons"…
Another one such shark contacted me and sent me his material and in the beginning I did not realize that he was a real "shark"… After some time he would call me and ask me to apply for "funding" in order to "write a book of stories together"… I would meanwhile realize that the stories he was writing were not actually based on truth but was "fiction"… I would tell him that I am not going for any funding for the stories and he would disappear very quickly from my life, just like a "shark" would swim away since there was no smell of "money"… Many others like him (both Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots) would approach me to "apply for funding to write books about missing or shoot documentaries about missing persons" or "give all my material so they can produce stuff with it" and I would decline… I encountered many of them throughout the years. What I mean is they aren't just a few, our island is full of them in both sides…
"This is Cyprus" of course and there will always be "sharks" just as there will always be people with enough humanity to work voluntarily with all of their hearts in order to make this island a better place… What is interesting is that the foreign diplomatic community on the island is more than ready to get "services" from such "sharks", instead of touching the hearts of real people who work voluntarily for humanity on this land…
Painting: Autumnal Cannibalism by Salvador Dali, 1936…
Links in Greek and Turkish:
Article published in Greek in POLITIS newspaper on the 7th of July 2024:
Article published in Turkish in YENİDÜZEN newspaper on the 10th of June 2024:
*** "The sharks" are those who make money, gain benefits like "power", "status", "trips abroad" and "recognition" for something that they don't actually deserve since they never worked for it…
"The sharks of Cyprus…"
Sevgul Uludag
Tel: 00 357 99 966518
00 90 542 853 8436
"They are like sharks", Kallis would say, with a movement of his hand, expressing the way the sharks would manoeuvre to the left and to the right…
"They smell money and they come" he would continue…
"The sharks" he meant were those who made money, who gained benefits like "power", "status", "trips abroad", "recognition" for something that they did not actually deserve since they would not put any real effort in what they were supposed to do…
"The sharks" Kallis was talking about were everywhere: Not just in official committees, in government offices, in semi-governmental positions but also in various "civil society organisations" who were meant to "represent" those who needed a voice in humanitarian issues…
There were so many examples around us and they kept popping up… But Kallis with just a look and a few sentences with any "probable suspects" would have a sure idea about what that person was actually after…
"He is a shark, be careful" he would warn me… "See, such people act very "clever" and wherever there is "power", they would smell it and go and look as though they are "friends" with this or that person… They would try to have connections with everyone in case they need it in the future…"
They would not only use the issue of "missing persons" but also the actual "Cyprus problem" in order to gain "benefits" and become a sort of an "insider"… Such persons whom we knew very well would become like leeches around the diplomatic community in Cyprus, they would hang around the UN and UNDP and EU and they would be present in every single activity, every single cocktail party, every single reception – they would be the ones who would "advise" the foreigners in Cyprus about this or that issue, they would be the ones to "take care" of their "needs" to try to show that they were doing something "meaningful" in Cyprus… They would be the ones providing "services" in this uncanny way to the foreign diplomatic community in Cyprus – including the UN and EU and whoever concerned – so that such foreign communities would have something "nice" on their reports to show to the outside and this would also help them to climb up the diplomatic ladder and whatever that was concerned in order to gain something…
Such people would arrange seminars, interviews, podcasts, workshops and whatever was "needed" by the UN and the other foreign communities who had to show that they were doing something meaningful in this partitioned island… Kallis would say "This is an industry!" about their "activities"…
Sure, it would not hurt to have peace activities on this island but who is actually involved in such activities? Who do they actually represent?
For instance trade unions from both parts of the island who have been cooperating since the late 1970s have completely been excluded from such UN and foreign diplomatic communities' activities…
Those NGOs who did NOT take any "funding" from such circles but did activities on their own, without depending on outside funding would NEVER be invited to these receptions or seminars and their voice would practically be "killed" at the doorstep of the "buffer zone" where such activities took part… Even when such NGOs and trade unions who formed a broad front invited them, it would be extremely rare for them to even "show up" even for an event… Because what is there to boast about in your reports if you haven't actually funded them and show them as "progress" or "action for peace"?
A very interesting case was that of a woman who had never been involved in any sort of bicommunal activity in all of her life… She had been busy making a career, teaching and progressing in a higher educational institute… And a time came when she would become an advisor to a politician at the highest level… And after he was gone, she would continue to do "funded bicommunal activities" with the full support of the foreign diplomatic community on the island of Cyprus… Noone would question the integrity, the past and the lucrative funding she had been receiving in order to hold such "activities for peace"… This was the very tragic face of Cyprus, allowing those who would only do "peace activities" if only there would be "funding for it". No funding, then no peace activities… She is not the sole example, there are many similar examples…
Another such a "shark" was actually another person who had written very ugly articles under a pseudonym when checkpoints had been opened. She had a column with a pseudonym in a right-wing newspaper and when the checkpoints opened back in 2003, she wrote some articles claiming that all those Turkish Cypriot women who went to cross to the southern part of the island were actually going there in order to "prostitute themselves", putting on nice dresses and make-up etc. Some Turkish Cypriot women NGOs protested her articles and her column was terminated but did she stop? Of course she did not… Some years later, when the EU was doing some activities in the northern part of our island, they would choose her place to do such activities. When some of the organisers of the EU were told of her "murky past", accusing the Turkish Cypriot women who crossed to the southern part of the island as "prostitutes", the organisers said "they did not know" but continued to hold their activities in her place… Again, she is not the only example of having "benefits" since those involved with giving out "funding", would not bother to check out the "integrity" or "honesty" of such "receivers"…
Another "shark" would set up several "associations" in order to get EU funding to do "research" and "work" on various areas about the "conflict"… We knew her well – it was not just about the "money" and the "funding" – she didn't actually need it – but those who get most funding are the ones who don't actually need it, it is more about "power" and using that power for their own needs and concerns…
Throughout the years, we came across many sharks, not just on "humanitarian issues" or the "Cyprus conflict" but in any other area you can think of… Kallis called some of them "the fireworks"… "See, they would spark up and make a great show like fireworks, mesmerizing you but in the end, nothing will remain… Beware of fireworks" he would say to me…
Once he challenged one such "fireworks person" as he named him… He said, "Why don't you go and do this and this? Write this letter to the UN, do this research in this office etc.?" and as he predicted nothing came out of it… He would disappear after some time from the scene since he could not "benefit" from what we were doing on the humanitarian issue of "missing persons"…
Another one such shark contacted me and sent me his material and in the beginning I did not realize that he was a real "shark"… After some time he would call me and ask me to apply for "funding" in order to "write a book of stories together"… I would meanwhile realize that the stories he was writing were not actually based on truth but was "fiction"… I would tell him that I am not going for any funding for the stories and he would disappear very quickly from my life, just like a "shark" would swim away since there was no smell of "money"… Many others like him (both Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots) would approach me to "apply for funding to write books about missing or shoot documentaries about missing persons" or "give all my material so they can produce stuff with it" and I would decline… I encountered many of them throughout the years. What I mean is they aren't just a few, our island is full of them in both sides…
"This is Cyprus" of course and there will always be "sharks" just as there will always be people with enough humanity to work voluntarily with all of their hearts in order to make this island a better place… What is interesting is that the foreign diplomatic community on the island is more than ready to get "services" from such "sharks", instead of touching the hearts of real people who work voluntarily for humanity on this land…
Painting: Autumnal Cannibalism by Salvador Dali, 1936…
Links in Greek and Turkish:
Article published in Greek in POLITIS newspaper on the 7th of July 2024:
Article published in Turkish in YENİDÜZEN newspaper on the 10th of June 2024:
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